Crash Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Crash Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After leaving the hospital, what does Vaughan show Ballard at Seagrave's house?
(a) An album of accident photos.
(b) A film of car crashes.
(c) A museum of car parts.
(d) A laboratory of blood samples.

2. What does Vaughan pick up that has been left by the police at an accident sight?
(a) Tape.
(b) Flags.
(c) Chalk.
(d) Bags.

3. What do the subjects who completed Vaughan's questionnaire all have in common?
(a) They have not been in car crash.
(b) They witnessed a car crash.
(c) They have been in a car crash.
(d) They lost someone in a car crash.

4. How does Vaughan position himself and Catherine in the backseat while Ballard watches them have sex?
(a) In the same posture as the diplomat and young woman.
(b) In the same posture as Vaughan and the prostitute.
(c) In the same posture as Elizabeth Taylor and her husband.
(d) In the same posture as Ballard and Helen.

5. What does Ballard notice about the crowd that gathered at the junction of the eastern descent ramp of the flyover?
(a) There are few women.
(b) There are a lot of children.
(c) There are all men.
(d) There are some teenagers.

6. Who does Vaughan tell Ballard that Seagrave may follow after disappearing in a wig and leopard-skin coat?
(a) Helen.
(b) Ballard.
(c) Catherine.
(d) Vaughan.

7. According to Ballard, aside from Vaughan's death, what is the crash that he most fears that becomes a reality on the Harlington clearway?
(a) Catherine's.
(b) His own.
(c) Seagrave's.
(d) Helen's.

8. Whose body does Ballard visualize injured in a series of accidents at various stages of her life?
(a) His wife.
(b) His sister.
(c) His daughter.
(d) His mother.

9. What topic does Ballard realize he never discussed with Helen?
(a) Her dead husband.
(b) The accident.
(c) His wife.
(d) His work.

10. Ballard and Vaughan listen to police and _______ broadcasts as they search for Seagrave, who has gone missing.
(a) Firefighter.
(b) Government.
(c) Ambulance.
(d) Military.

11. When Ballard drives home with Catherine and Vaughan in the backseat, what does he notice for the first time since his release from the hospital?
(a) There are no planes on the runway.
(b) The streets are empty.
(c) It started raining.
(d) The sun is shining.

12. What is Ballard afraid the real reason for the police signaling Vaughan outside Ballard's studio is?
(a) To question Ballard about a missing studio car.
(b) To question Ballard about his erotic involvement with Vaughan.
(c) To question Ballard about a drunk driving arrest.
(d) To question Ballard about a pedestrian he ran over.

13. What happens to the young woman chauffeur of the government saloon on the Harlington clearway?
(a) She has minor injuries.
(b) She is badly injured.
(c) She dies.
(d) She is uninjured.

14. According to Vaughan, why is it important for him to have Elizabeth Taylor fill out his questionnaire?
(a) Because she is in all of the subjects fantasies.
(b) Because she has been in a car crash.
(c) Because she has never been in a car crash.
(d) Because none of the subjects named her in their fantasies.

15. Ballard sees that next to the photos of various wounds from Vaughan's questionnaire, there are details of what?
(a) The make and model of the car.
(b) The portion of the car that caused the injury.
(c) The person's date of birth and death.
(d) The drugs used to treat the injury.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Catherine asks Ballard where his car is after the police leave the studio parking lot, what does he tell her?

2. At the Road Research Laboratory, when does Ballard feel his sense of disembodiment and unreality increase?

3. What fiberglass replica does Seagrave have in his show-room?

4. What lay in the dashboard locker below the instrument panel of the Citroen Pallas saloon car?

5. According to Ballard, "It isn't sex that Vaughan is interested in, but _______."

(see the answer keys)

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