Cradle to Cradle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William A. McDonough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cradle to Cradle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William A. McDonough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which words best describe the focus of production in factories during the Industrial Revolution?
(a) Laborious and costly.
(b) Expensive and technical.
(c) Quick and cheap.
(d) Slow and careful.

2. What toxic chemical is included in the production of plastic water bottles?
(a) Neon.
(b) Sodium.
(c) Carbon.
(d) Antimony.

3. What is problematic about the attitude of design and production during the Industrial Revolution?
(a) Materials are recyclable.
(b) Landfills are too full to be used.
(c) Production is too expensive to make good money.
(d) All material is eventually wasted.

4. How does the Exxon Valdez oil spill result in an economic advantage to some companies?
(a) Chemical companies decrease sales in cleaning products.
(b) Companies that invest in Exxon Valdez increase profits.
(c) Companies that are associated with the cleanup process increase profits.
(d) Local citizen groups raise money by helping with the clean up.

5. In what way are chemicals not harmful to human health?
(a) They can be developed to have a positive environmental effect.
(b) They can be cancer-causing.
(c) They can change our genetic structure.
(d) They can weaken the immune system.

6. What is Bill's occupation?
(a) Engineer.
(b) Biologist.
(c) Architect.
(d) Chemist.

7. What does Paul Erlich write about?
(a) The global consequences of recycling.
(b) The positive influence of industry on consumers.
(c) The negative consequences of overpopulation and rampant production.
(d) The possibility of government control over industry.

8. Why does Michael tether himself to the smoke stacks at Ciba-Geigy?
(a) To bring attention to a chemical spill caused by the company, Ciba-Geigy.
(b) To protest the fur industry and the use of chemicals on animals.
(c) To blame consumers for the large amount of toxins in the environment.
(d) To compete his experiment on the effects of toxic waste on the human body.

9. What do the authors claim is the key problem in recycling products?
(a) More chemicals and energy must be used in recycling products than in creating new ones.
(b) More people prefer new products to recycled ones.
(c) The chemicals used in recycling are consumer-friendly.
(d) The energy spent in recycling is always decreasing.

10. Which is an example of a material that is downcycled?
(a) Dead organic matter.
(b) The book itself.
(c) Aluminum cans.
(d) Gold jewelry.

11. Which product is NOT considered dangerous in the environment?
(a) Coffee grounds.
(b) Printer toner.
(c) A chair.
(d) A computer.

12. What health problems can be caused by high levels of contaminants in a normal household?
(a) Stroke.
(b) Asthma and allergies.
(c) Heart attack.
(d) Liver and brain cancer.

13. Which words best describes a material that has been downcycled?
(a) Intelligent and elegant.
(b) Organic and beneficial.
(c) Quality and efficient.
(d) Inferior and inefficient.

14. Which statement is NOT an example of recycling as we know it?
(a) Melting old soda bottles to make new carpet.
(b) Converting old books to new printer paper.
(c) Collecting rain water for household use.
(d) Making new backpacks out of old milk cartons.

15. Who writes Silent Spring?
(a) Susan Sontag.
(b) Rachel Carson.
(c) William Shakespeare.
(d) Charles Dickens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Bill grow up?

2. What is a positive change that occurs during the Industrial Revolution?

3. What is the difficulty with recycling heavily inked pages?

4. Which words best describe how people view nature during the Industrial Revolution?

5. What is the problem with recycling as we know it?

(see the answer keys)

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