Cradle and All Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cradle and All Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens between Anne and Justin when they are together in their safe place?
(a) Anne and Justin discover they don't share the same viewpoints about the case and they should work independently.
(b) Anne and Justin get into a fight and stop speaking to each other.
(c) Anne confesses her feelings towards Justin and they kiss.
(d) Anne and Justin decide that after the investigation is over they will no longer be in contact with each other.

2. While at the safeplace with Father Rosetti, what does the voice inside Kathleen's head tell her?
(a) That her baby will not be born alive.
(b) To kill Father Rosetti.
(c) That the Devil wants to take her baby.
(d) To commit suicide.

3. Who does the man in the trench coat say he is?
(a) The man says "he is Satan in human form."
(b) The man says "he is their desires made real."
(c) The man says "he is Kathleen's baby's father."
(d) The man says "he is Colleen's baby's father."

4. When Anne and Justin confront Father Rosetti, what does he eventually tell them?
(a) Father Rosetti tells them that he is hearing a voice in his head.
(b) Father Rosetti eventually tells them that he knows the secret to how the girls got pregnant.
(c) Father Rosetti tells them that he is not a real priest.
(d) Father Rosetti eventually tells them about the prophecy.

5. Why does Father Rosetti kill Father Flannery with a pitchfork?
(a) Father Rosetti always had a problem with Father Flannery and took advantage of the situation.
(b) Father Rosetti was jealous of Father Flannery's relationship with Colleen.
(c) Father Rosetti recognizes the Devil inside Father Flannery so he kills him.
(d) Father Rosetti accidentally killed Father Flannery.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Monsignor tell Father Rosetti?

2. Who watched Noelle perform her first miracle?

3. As Colleen stands in her kitchen, whom does Colleen see through her window?

4. Where does Anne recognize the "man in the trenchcoat" from?

5. When Colleen leaves the church she is attacked again by the group from earlier. Whom or what saves her?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Monsignor Stingley gave Father Rosetti the advice about the prophecy, he was struck dead. What could this lead the reader to assume?

2. What about Colleen's impending birth has led Justin to rethink his career path?

3. When Anne and Justin meet Colleen, they are surprised by her appearance and openness. How do you think this makes her story fare in comparison to Kathleen's story?

4. What reason does Colleen have for being frightened while she is in the barn?

5. "The baby is not God's child, but it is a child of God." What does this mean about Kathleen's baby?

6. Based on Anne and Kathleen's relationship thus far, why would Kathleen ask for Anne to be present when the baby is delivered?

7. For what reason may Jamie hear "the voice"?

8. Why would Mrs.Walsh consider Kathleen evil or even call her Satan?

9. What about the accident made Noelle perform her first miracle?

10. The man in the trench coach claims he is "their desires made real." What could he have meant by this?

(see the answer keys)

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