Cradle and All Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cradle and All Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Monsignor tell Father Rosetti?
(a) The world is coming to an end.
(b) That he is in danger.
(c) He is not meant to be a priest for much longer.
(d) There is no such thing as a prophecy.

2. What is the plan to get Kathleen out of her house?
(a) Three sedans are sent. Only one has Kathleen in it and once on the road they all go separate directions to confuse the press.
(b) They would sneak Kathleen out at night when no one was looking.
(c) They were going to hire a look-alike to make them think Kathleen was in the house, while the real Kathleen snuck out the back door.
(d) They decided to fake Kathleen going into labor and get her out in an ambulance.

3. What does Father Rosetti do while he is still holding Colleen's baby?
(a) Father Rosetti hangs on tightly to the baby as the birds try to take it away.
(b) Father Rosetti gives the baby CPR and rescues him.
(c) Father Rosetti stares at the glowing baby and claims a miracle has happened.
(d) Father Rosetti jumps off the cliff with the baby still in his arms.

4. What happens to Colleen's baby as he lays in Father Rosetti's arms?
(a) The baby dies while he is in Father Rosetti's arms.
(b) The baby begins to glow like an angel in Father Rosetti's arms.
(c) The baby assumes the shape of a beast and bites Father Rosetti.
(d) The baby is swooped up by a flock of blackbirds from Father Rosetti's arms.

5. Who turns out to be the one to deliver the savior of the prophecy?
(a) Sister Katherine had the savior of the prophecy when she was a teenager.
(b) Anne is the person who delivers the savior of the prophecy.
(c) Kathleen was actually the savior of the prophecy.
(d) Mrs. Walsh is the person who has already delivered the savior of the prophecy.

6. Why does Colleen run to hide in the barn?
(a) Because she is afraid the mob of townspeople will hurt her.
(b) To play a trick on her mother and Sister Katherine.
(c) Because she does not want to see Father Flannery.
(d) Because she doesn't want to talk to Justin.

7. Why does Father Rosetti kill Father Flannery with a pitchfork?
(a) Father Rosetti was jealous of Father Flannery's relationship with Colleen.
(b) Father Rosetti recognizes the Devil inside Father Flannery so he kills him.
(c) Father Rosetti accidentally killed Father Flannery.
(d) Father Rosetti always had a problem with Father Flannery and took advantage of the situation.

8. On the night her baby was conceived, what did Colleen see on Liffy Glade?
(a) A ghost.
(b) Someone being murdered.
(c) Men having sexual relations.
(d) Mother Mary sitting in the meadow.

9. What does Anne do when she sees Kathleen on the ledge?
(a) She tells Kathleen to jump so she can catch her.
(b) She climbs up to the ledge to save Kathleen.
(c) She uses her gun and shoots Mrs. Walsh dead.
(d) She runs to find help.

10. Where is Kathleen going to have her baby?
(a) Nowhere--she is going to have the baby right where she is.
(b) To Ireland.
(c) Back to her home in Rhode Island.
(d) Inside Vatican City.

11. How are Colleen's son's eyes described?
(a) As dark and cold.
(b) A beautiful stone gray.
(c) As the color of emeralds.
(d) As warm and caring.

12. What happens between Anne and Justin when they are together in their safe place?
(a) Anne and Justin discover they don't share the same viewpoints about the case and they should work independently.
(b) Anne and Justin get into a fight and stop speaking to each other.
(c) Anne and Justin decide that after the investigation is over they will no longer be in contact with each other.
(d) Anne confesses her feelings towards Justin and they kiss.

13. What breaks Anne's train of thought as she admires the birth she just saw?
(a) Anne hears a knocking at the door.
(b) Anne hears a window break.
(c) Anne hears a voice demanding her to kill Kathleen's baby.
(d) Anne hears a high pitch, animalistic scream from outside.

14. How does Kathleen respond to the visit from the Pope while she is in labor?
(a) Kathleen appears to have a seizure when the Pope visits.
(b) Kathleen is relieved to see him and confesses all her sins.
(c) Kathleen is grateful for his visit and thanks him.
(d) Kathleen is uncomfortable because he thinks she has sinned.

15. After the incident of Kathleen on the ledge, what does the Vatican decide?
(a) That Rhode Island is no longer safe for Kathleen.
(b) That Kathleen should have her labor induced to remove the attention she is getting.
(c) That Anne is not doing a good job and reassigns Kathleen's case.
(d) They need to send more security to protect Kathleen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What saves Colleen from any possible danger the evening she was at Liffy Galde?

2. What does the doctor Father Rosetti bumps into tell him?

3. What did Anne and Justin do after the investigation was over?

4. What happens when Colleen was noticed watching the occurrence on Liffy Glade?

5. After praying with Father Rosetti, why does Kathleen call for Anne?

(see the answer keys)

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