Cradle and All Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cradle and All Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Charles, Kathleen's father, treat Anne?
(a) As if she's not there.
(b) With hostility.
(c) With great hospitality.
(d) With gratuity.

2. Even though Father Rosetti is troubled, what does he continue to think about?
(a) The prophecy that the Pope trusted him with.
(b) What a miracle it is that both girls are virgins and pregnant.
(c) How lucky he is to be alive after what he's been through.
(d) How lucky he is to be working with Anne Fitzgerald.

3. How does Justin hurt Anne's feelings?
(a) He tells her that she should find another career because she isn't a good investigator.
(b) He tells her that he is leaving the investigation and going back home.
(c) He tells her that she is only in his way in this investigation.
(d) He tells her that she is "emotionally disconnected."

4. How is Colleen feeling during her last few weeks of pregnancy?
(a) Uncomfortable and sick all the time.
(b) Depressed and anxious.
(c) Fantastic.
(d) Alone and "cooped up."

5. Why is Doctor Shapiro's opinion more important to Kathleen than the opinion of the other doctors who have examined her?
(a) Because he is the best in his field.
(b) Because he is not working with the church.
(c) Because he completely believes her.
(d) Because he doesn't look down on her situation.

6. What discovery does Kathleen make when she explores the clinic?
(a) A woman is having a baby alone.
(b) No one is in the office.
(c) The office staff is having a meeting.
(d) The nurse and doctor at the clinic are dead.

7. Who hires Anne Fitzgerald?
(a) Kathleen.
(b) The city of Boston.
(c) The Cardinal of the Catholic Archdiocese in Boston.
(d) Kathleen's family.

8. While Kathleen is speaking at the press conference, what happens to Mrs. Walsh?
(a) She faints.
(b) She leaves because she is angry at Kathleen's behavior.
(c) She is struck with "blindness and hearing loss."
(d) She is kidnapped.

9. What happens to Father Rosetti when he was entrusted with the prophecy of the church?
(a) He brags that he knows about the prophecy and blackmails the church.
(b) He falls ill with a debilitatiting sickness, and now hears a "voice" in his head.
(c) He dies.
(d) He is kidnapped.

10. What conclusion does Mrs. Walsh come to as she watches Kathleen prepare for the press conference?
(a) That Kathleen is a liar.
(b) That Kathleen is very lonely.
(c) That Kathleen is a very sweet girl.
(d) That Kathleen is evil.

11. What are some ways Anne investigates Kathleen's story more thoroughly?
(a) By going to the place the baby was conceived and talking to Jamie Jordan III, Kathleen's boyfriend.
(b) Looking through pictures and reading her journal.
(c) Interviewing all her friends.
(d) Interviewing all her teachers.

12. What is different about the recent epidemic of polio virus than previous strains?
(a) This strain causes only a rash and no other symptoms.
(b) This strain affects people's joints and can kill within 2 weeks.
(c) This strain is only contagious if someone is touched by a person who is contaminated.
(d) This strain is not deadly.

13. What is Father Rosetti's responsibility?
(a) To make sure the girls have their babies baptized in the Catholic Church.
(b) To make sure the girls attend mass every Sunday.
(c) To teach the prophecy to others.
(d) To determine which girl is carrying the Son of Satan.

14. Where does Kathleen seek solace for her "crazy thoughts"?
(a) On the beach near her house.
(b) At her parents' country house.
(c) Sitting in the garden.
(d) In her bedroom.

15. What does Doctor's Shapiro's examination prove?
(a) Kathleen is pregnant and a virgin.
(b) Kathleen is pregnant but not a virgin.
(c) Kathleen is mentally insane.
(d) Kathleen is not pregnant at all.

Short Answer Questions

1. How could Anne's parents be described?

2. If the prophecy of the Catholic Church is fulfilled, what will occur?

3. How does Father Rosetti feel about the world during the girls' last few weeks of pregnancy?

4. What time frame can the last few weeks of the girls' pregnancies be compared to?

5. Who is the first female character to be introduced?

(see the answer keys)

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