Coyotes: A Journey Through the Secret World of America's Illegal Aliens Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ted Conover
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Coyotes: A Journey Through the Secret World of America's Illegal Aliens Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ted Conover
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Ted learn was the only real common factor between the men living at the house in the orchard?
(a) They wanted to learn English
(b) They spoke a common language
(c) Their parents were all related
(d) They came from the same region

2. What color was Alonso's cowboy shirt when he and Ted met?
(a) Blue
(b) White
(c) Red
(d) Yellow

3. What did Ted say was responsible for the existence of citrus groves in the arid region around Phoenix?
(a) The illegal immigrants
(b) Sandy soil
(c) Ingenious engineering.
(d) The tenacity of the retirees

4. What was the bag lady doing at the counter?
(a) Working the New York Times crossword
(b) Playing tic-tac-toe
(c) Working a cryptogram
(d) Reading a book

5. What was Sanchez's national status?
(a) Italian
(b) An illegal immigrant
(c) Swedish
(d) A naturalized American

Short Answer Questions

1. How many people did Victor say wanted to come to America from his home town?

2. What kind of door was it that frightened Timoteo?

3. What nickname did Ted give one of the coyotes?

4. Who was the cook at the home where the group was staying in L.A. when they first arrived?

5. How long had Martin been working in America before he sent for his wife and son?

Short Essay Questions

1. List two points at which the members of the group were especially nervous while traveling through the airport terminal.

2. What is Lupe Sanchez's role with the illegals?

3. Describe the life of the bag lady Ted met in the donut shop.

4. Why did the first coyote say his prices were high?

5. What did Ted say about the traffic in Phoenix?

6. What did Ted say he'd first thought when he discovered that a man was seated at his table, eating his pancakes? What did he come to realize about the man eating his pancakes?

7. What answers did Ted and Alonso give when a businessman asked them where they were going?

8. Why did Ted stop to pick up the group early on the day they were to depart for the airport and what did he find?

9. Explain how Victor and the others of his group decided to travel to America?

10. What wasTed's answer when the police first asked how he and Alonso know each other?

(see the answer keys)

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