Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which biblical figures does Valerie ask Wenceslas to sculpt for her?
(a) Moses and Aaron.
(b) David and Goliath.
(c) Samson and Delilah.
(d) Cain and Abel.

2. Who gives money to Adeline's cook so that she may provide a meal for the family?
(a) Monsieur Crevel.
(b) Baron Hulot.
(c) Victorin Hulot.
(d) Marshal Hulot.

3. What does Monsieur Crevel give Valerie in exchange for her company?
(a) A new carriage.
(b) A pearl necklace.
(c) Six thousand francs per year.
(d) Three thousand francs per year.

4. What does Stidman tell Wenceslas to get him to leave his second meeting with Valerie and return home?
(a) His wife is dying.
(b) His son is dying.
(c) His wife is in trouble.
(d) His son is ill.

5. Where is Monsieur le Baron Henri Montes de Montejanos from?
(a) Córdoba.
(b) Brazil.
(c) Seville.
(d) Venezuela.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Crevel and Hulot feel about Montejanos' arrival?

2. When Crevel goes to Valerie's flat the morning after his revelation to Hulot, whom does he find at the breakfast table with her?

3. When Hector Hulot returns home from Valerie's house after hearing of the problem between Wenceslas and Hortense, what does he discover Adeline doing?

4. Whom does Lisbeth dream of marrying?

5. When Wenceslas returns home and is confronted by Hortnese, whom does he claim has lent him ten thousand francs?

Short Essay Questions

1. What post does Valerie ask Hector to obtain for Marneffe? What complications does Hector face in carrying out this wish for his mistress?

2. What solution does Bette give for Hortense and Wenceslas' money troubles? Why does Hortense object to this solution?

3. What happens when Hector goes to visit Valerie after he receives her letter? How does he receive a message from her and what is communicated?

4. What problem with her husband does Valerie alert Hector to in a letter? What solution does she suggest to this predicament? How does Hector respond to this suggestion?

5. What publication makes Lisbeth so happy? What event begins a chain of events that will end this happiness?

6. What plan does Adeline conceive to save her uncle? What is the outcome?

7. In whom does Hector confide his devastation about Valerie? What is this character's response?

8. What does Adeline advise Hortense to do after her first quarrel with Wenceslas over Valerie Marneffe? What does Adeline reveal to her daughter about her own marriage?

9. What proof of Wenceslas' infidelity does Hortense receive? What does she decide to do after she receives this proof and why?

10. How does Valerie use her pregnancy to benefit financially and socially? Which men are affected by this news?

(see the answer keys)

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