Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Vauvinet's profession?
(a) Attorney.
(b) Artist.
(c) Moneylender.
(d) Government Official.

2. Why does Stidman try to stay away from Wenceslas' house?
(a) He is angry with Wenceslas.
(b) He is attracted to Hortense.
(c) He does not like Bette.
(d) He does not like Hortense.

3. Whose post in the War Ministry does Baron Hulot attempt to obtain for Marneffe?
(a) The Prince of Wissembourg's.
(b) Monsieur Coquet's.
(c) The Duc d'Herounville's.
(d) Marshal Hulot's.

4. How does Adeline attempt to console Hortense after her first quarrel with Wenceslas?
(a) She reminds her that Wenceslas has never lied to her before.
(b) She tells her that all men are animals.
(c) She assures her that Valerie Marneffe is a decent woman.
(d) She confesses Hector's infidelities.

5. What solution does Bette offer first when Hortense explains her financial predicament?
(a) She tells Hortense to pawn all of her valuables.
(b) She counsels Hortense to ask Adeline for money.
(c) She advises Hortense to sell her diamonds.
(d) She suggests they help her arrange a marriage to Marshal Hulot.

6. What does Hortense hide from Wenceslas?
(a) A lover.
(b) Money that she borrowed from her mother.
(c) News articles criticizing his work.
(d) A pregnancy.

7. What type of woman does Monsieur Crevel confess to Lisbeth that he has never had until his relationship with Valerie?
(a) A talented woman.
(b) A society woman.
(c) A beautiful woman.
(d) A decent woman.

8. When the quartermaster arrives to speak privately with Hector, what does he expect the man has brought for him?
(a) A new uniform.
(b) A letter from Johann Fischer.
(c) Money from Algeria.
(d) News from the Prince of Wissembourg.

9. Who inadvertently informs Hortense that Wenceslas had lied to her about his whereabouts the evening that he dined with Valerie Marneffe?
(a) Lisbeth.
(b) Baron Hulot.
(c) Vignon.
(d) Stidman.

10. Why does Valerie want Baron Hulot to bring Wenceslas to dine with them?
(a) She admires his talent.
(b) She wants to humiliate him.
(c) She is awed by his fame.
(d) She wants to seduce him.

11. What circumstances led to Stidman's introduction to Valerie in the Rue Vaneau?
(a) The end of his relationship with Madame Schontz.
(b) His need for a job.
(c) His need for a loan.
(d) The end of his friendship with Wenceslas.

12. With whom does Wenceslas claim to be dining while he is at Valerie Marneffe's house?
(a) Stidman and Wissembourg.
(b) Chanor and Florent.
(c) Vignon and Vauvinet.
(d) Hulot and Crevel.

13. What significant change to his appearance does Valerie induce Baron Hulot to make?
(a) He shaves off his beard.
(b) He stops dying his hair.
(c) He loses weight.
(d) He stops wearing his military uniform.

14. How does Lisbeth control Valerie's potential household expenses?
(a) She does the cooking and washing herself.
(b) She encourages Valerie to dine out instead of hosting dinners at home.
(c) She contributes the profits from her embroidery work to the household budget.
(d) She finds her a cook from Vosges and accompanies her to the market.

15. Where does Bette convince Wenceslas to go despite Hortense forbidding him from doing so?
(a) Celestin Crevel's house.
(b) His studio.
(c) Valerie Marneffe's house.
(d) Stidman's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Wenceslas returns home and is confronted by Hortnese, whom does he claim has lent him ten thousand francs?

2. When Crevel goes to Valerie's flat the morning after his revelation to Hulot, whom does he find at the breakfast table with her?

3. Lisbeth offers to arrange a loan on good terms for Hortense and Wenceslas from whom?

4. After Wenceslas and Hortense quarrel about Valerie Marneffe, where does Lisbeth go to live?

5. Early in their relationship, who refuses to accompany the Baron to Valerie's house despite her entreaties?

(see the answer keys)

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