Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Early in their relationship, who refuses to accompany the Baron to Valerie's house despite her entreaties?
(a) Madame Crevel.
(b) Wenceslas Steinbock.
(c) Monsieur Stidman.
(d) Monsieur Coquet.

2. When Wenceslas returns home and is confronted by Hortnese, whom does he claim has lent him ten thousand francs?
(a) Marneffe.
(b) Vignon.
(c) León de Lora.
(d) Chanor.

3. When Hector Hulot returns home from Valerie's house after hearing of the problem between Wenceslas and Hortense, what does he discover Adeline doing?
(a) Praying.
(b) Crying.
(c) Reading.
(d) Sleeping.

4. How long after moving to the Rue Vaneau does Valerie wait before receiving Monsieur Crevel?
(a) Three days.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Three months.
(d) Three years.

5. What does Hortense hide from Wenceslas?
(a) News articles criticizing his work.
(b) Money that she borrowed from her mother.
(c) A lover.
(d) A pregnancy.

6. At whose suggestion does Lisbeth change her appearance?
(a) Valerie Marneffe.
(b) Adeline Hulot.
(c) Hortense Hulot.
(d) Celestine Crevel.

7. What book does Adeline read constantly after being banished to her apartment on the Rue Plumet?
(a) Imitation of Christ.
(b) Pride and Prejudice.
(c) The Holy Bible.
(d) The Sorrows of Young Werther.

8. What type of woman does Monsieur Crevel confess to Lisbeth that he has never had until his relationship with Valerie?
(a) A beautiful woman.
(b) A decent woman.
(c) A talented woman.
(d) A society woman.

9. How does Valerie explain her relationship to Montejanos?
(a) She claims he is Monsieur Marneffe's nephew.
(b) She pretends she has never met him.
(c) She explains that they had been lovers.
(d) She claims they are cousins.

10. Besides leading Wenceslas astray, for what other family disgrace is Baron Hulot responsible?
(a) Lisbeth's personal difficulties.
(b) Victorin's financial difficulties.
(c) Victorin's professional difficulties.
(d) Victorin's professional difficulties.

11. How do Crevel and Hulot feel about Montejanos' arrival?
(a) Jealous.
(b) Angry.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Surprised.

12. Why does Stidman try to stay away from Wenceslas' house?
(a) He is attracted to Hortense.
(b) He does not like Hortense.
(c) He does not like Bette.
(d) He is angry with Wenceslas.

13. Who gives money to Adeline's cook so that she may provide a meal for the family?
(a) Victorin Hulot.
(b) Monsieur Crevel.
(c) Marshal Hulot.
(d) Baron Hulot.

14. Where is Monsieur le Baron Henri Montes de Montejanos from?
(a) Venezuela.
(b) Córdoba.
(c) Seville.
(d) Brazil.

15. After Hector receives bad news from Johann Fischer, what bad news does he receive from Valerie in a letter?
(a) Her husband has passed away.
(b) Crevel has discovered the truth about their relationship and is furious.
(c) Her husband has forbidden her from receiving him in her home.
(d) She has suffered a miscarriage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hortense decide to do after she receives proof of Wenceslas' infidelity?

2. Who is the third man to whom Valerie Marneffe tells he is going to be the father of her child?

3. What does Stidman tell Wenceslas to get him to leave his second meeting with Valerie and return home?

4. Why does Valerie want Baron Hulot to bring Wenceslas to dine with them?

5. What piece of evidence does Crevel provide the Baron with to prove his clandestine meetings with Valerie in his little house on the Rue du Dauphin?

(see the answer keys)

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