Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cousin Bette: Part One of Poor Relations Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What circumstances led to Stidman's introduction to Valerie in the Rue Vaneau?
(a) The end of his friendship with Wenceslas.
(b) The end of his relationship with Madame Schontz.
(c) His need for a job.
(d) His need for a loan.

2. What bad news does Johann Fischer communicate to Hector Hulot in a letter?
(a) Johann Fischer has been left by his wife.
(b) The War Ministry has exhausted all of its funds in Algeria.
(c) A Public Prosecutor is investigating Hector and Johann's dealings in Algeria.
(d) Johann Fischer is terminally ill and does not have long to live.

3. What does Stidman tell Wenceslas to get him to leave his second meeting with Valerie and return home?
(a) His son is dying.
(b) His wife is in trouble.
(c) His wife is dying.
(d) His son is ill.

4. When Crevel goes to Valerie's flat the morning after his revelation to Hulot, whom does he find at the breakfast table with her?
(a) Montejanos and Steinbock.
(b) Lisbeth and Hulot.
(c) Montejanos and Lisbeth.
(d) Hulot and Steinbock.

5. What piece of art created by Wenceslas is generating extreme criticism from his fellow artists, including Stidman?
(a) A sculpture of Samson and Delilah.
(b) A statue of Marshal Montcornet.
(c) A statue of Marshal Hulot.
(d) A silver group depicting deer.

6. What solution does Bette offer first when Hortense explains her financial predicament?
(a) She tells Hortense to pawn all of her valuables.
(b) She counsels Hortense to ask Adeline for money.
(c) She suggests they help her arrange a marriage to Marshal Hulot.
(d) She advises Hortense to sell her diamonds.

7. On what condition does Crevel agree to pay for a copy of the biblically-themed figure that Wenceslas is sculpting for Valerie Marneffe?
(a) That Valerie serve as model.
(b) That it be signed by the sculptor.
(c) That it be completed before Christmas.
(d) That it be the only copy in existence.

8. How does Lisbeth control Valerie's potential household expenses?
(a) She contributes the profits from her embroidery work to the household budget.
(b) She does the cooking and washing herself.
(c) She finds her a cook from Vosges and accompanies her to the market.
(d) She encourages Valerie to dine out instead of hosting dinners at home.

9. At whose suggestion does Lisbeth change her appearance?
(a) Celestine Crevel.
(b) Adeline Hulot.
(c) Hortense Hulot.
(d) Valerie Marneffe.

10. How many beauty spots does Valerie Marneffe arrange on her person for her first meeting with Wenceslas?
(a) Two.
(b) Six.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

11. When Wenceslas returns home and is confronted by Hortnese, whom does he claim has lent him ten thousand francs?
(a) Marneffe.
(b) León de Lora.
(c) Vignon.
(d) Chanor.

12. How does Hortense react upon learning that Wenceslas has lied to her about his whereabouts?
(a) She starts breaking things in the room and has to be restrained.
(b) She becomes sad, shouts and begins to cry.
(c) She laughs it off.
(d) She faints and has nervous convulsions.

13. When the quartermaster arrives to speak privately with Hector, what does he expect the man has brought for him?
(a) News from the Prince of Wissembourg.
(b) Money from Algeria.
(c) A new uniform.
(d) A letter from Johann Fischer.

14. Where does Valerie arrange to meet Montejanos clandestinely after her guests have retired?
(a) Montejanos' carriage.
(b) Bette's flat.
(c) Montejanos' hotel.
(d) Valerie's chambers.

15. When Hector Hulot returns home from Valerie's house after hearing of the problem between Wenceslas and Hortense, what does he discover Adeline doing?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Crying.
(c) Praying.
(d) Reading.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gives money to Adeline's cook so that she may provide a meal for the family?

2. What does Hortense tell Wenceslas she would have done in retribution if she had discovered that he was having an affair after their first quarrel?

3. What news does Valerie reveal to Wenceslas in the first letter she writes to him?

4. Where does Bette convince Wenceslas to go despite Hortense forbidding him from doing so?

5. What piece of evidence does Crevel provide the Baron with to prove his clandestine meetings with Valerie in his little house on the Rue du Dauphin?

(see the answer keys)

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