Objects & Places from Court Of Frost & Starlight

Sarah J. Maas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Court Of Frost & Starlight

Sarah J. Maas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Court Of Frost & Starlight Lesson Plans

The Carved Beasts

These are elaborate decorative engravings in the Hewn City. They symbolize the dangers and terrors of the place.

Feyre's First Painting

This is the first picture the High Lady of the Night Court creates in the novel. At first, she plans to hide it, and then she gives it to Rhysand. It symbolizes her past and how she is healing.

The Spring Court Manor

This is Tamlin’s home and is wrecked inside and out. It symbolizes Tamlin’s state of mind.

The Tapestry

This is a piece created by a weaver that Feyre buys. It symbolizes the void of the war and the hope afterward.


These are inked on Feyre’s skin. They symbolize the connection between her and Rhysand.

The Mating Bond

This is a link between a male and a female Fae. It can be acted upon or ignored, especially by...

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