The Country of the Pointed Firs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Country of the Pointed Firs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Elijah refer to his late wife?
(a) Dear Sarah.
(b) Poor Sarah.
(c) My dear wife.
(d) Poor dear.

2. Why does Mrs. Todd believe Mrs. Blackett won't be able to attend the event?
(a) She wasn't invited to the event.
(b) She has been ill.
(c) She did not arrive last evening.
(d) She is not a part of the family.

3. What does Elijah tell the narrator that he does every day?
(a) Visit his wife's grave.
(b) Go fishing.
(c) Clean his house.
(d) Grieve for his wife.

4. What does Elijah do for a living?
(a) He is a fisherman.
(b) He is a farmer.
(c) He is a blacksmith.
(d) He is a sailor.

5. In talking to the narrator, what aspect of the event makes Mrs. Todd particularly emotional?
(a) Her mother's place of honor in the parade.
(b) The way she is treated by the others.
(c) The beauty of the landscape.
(d) Her nostalgia for better days.

6. What does Elijah do in honor of his wife?
(a) He visits her grave daily.
(b) He cries when he talks about her.
(c) He lives a solitary life alone in their house.
(d) He vows never to remarry.

7. Why is the narrator surprised by the invitation?
(a) She doesn't have anything to wear.
(b) The departure is so soon.
(c) She doesn't feel she belongs to the community.
(d) She isn't a member of the family.

8. What does Mrs. Blackett point out to the narrator as they make their way through the countryside?
(a) Her childhood home.
(b) Her brother's home.
(c) Her husband's first home.
(d) Her sister's home.

9. How long has Elijah lived alone?
(a) Twelve years.
(b) Two years.
(c) Four years.
(d) Eight years.

10. What do the narrator, Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Blackett conclude is the only drawback to the day?
(a) That there wasn't more singing.
(b) That they couldn't stay longer.
(c) That Sarah Jane was there.
(d) That William did not attend.

11. What does Elijah do during their conversation that surprises the narrator?
(a) He tells her about his wife.
(b) He talks to her about fishing.
(c) He invites her to his home.
(d) He asks her to join him on a walk.

12. What name do Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Fosdick use when referring to Joanna?
(a) Silly Joanna.
(b) Dear Joanna.
(c) Sweet Joanna.
(d) Poor Joanna.

13. How do Elijah and the narrator part?
(a) They agree to meet in the village.
(b) She asks if she may visit again.
(c) He asks if she would visit again.
(d) They agree not to meet again.

14. What impresses the narrator upon arriving?
(a) The young men's gentlemanly manners.
(b) The size of the house.
(c) The many carriages.
(d) The size of the family.

15. Why does Mrs. Todd compare Sant Bowden to the sprig?
(a) Sant doesn't receive enough love and attention from others.
(b) Sant has potential but is unable to thrive out of his element.
(c) The sprig could do better if it had more ambition.
(d) Sant's environment is too harsh for him to thrive.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't the plant Mrs. Todd mentioned thrive at the Bowden's?

2. How does the narrator imagine Elijah bringing home the furnishings?

3. What does the narrator say the idle lobster boats tied up at the shoreline seem to be doing at the beginning of Chapter 20?

4. Who does Mrs. Todd begin talking about Sant Bowden with?

5. What advice does Joanna give Mrs. Todd?

(see the answer keys)

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