Counterattack: The Corps Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

W. E. B. Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Counterattack: The Corps Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

W. E. B. Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what rank will Pickering work for Knox?
(a) Admiral.
(b) Commander.
(c) Captain.
(d) Commodore.

2. What are the men with whom Pickering meets planning to do?
(a) Start a new intelligence service.
(b) Send the atomic bomb to Japan.
(c) Bomb Japnaese carriers.
(d) Send a fleet to Japan.

3. Who does Steve Koffler invite to his apartment?
(a) His grandparents.
(b) Dianne.
(c) Jack and Susan.
(d) Nadine.

4. Where does Howard report for his physical?
(a) The Naval Hospital.
(b) Walter Reed.
(c) Fort Sam Houston.
(d) Tinker Air Force Base.

5. Who does Barbara see when she is dancing with Joe?
(a) Nancy Patterson.
(b) Sharon Fleming.
(c) Victoria Lemon.
(d) Hazel Grower.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Neville makes his jump?

2. What happens to Charley when he lands?

3. Why is Dillon uneasy about the parachute event?

4. Who does McInerney recommend for the film at Lakehurst?

5. What is the ship Howard is on ordered to do as it is going to Wake Island?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Pickering meet with the President and Knox and why are they meeting?

2. What do Knox and Pickering talk about after Pickering answers Knox's initial inquiry?

3. What does Macklin threaten about Koffler and how does Dillon handle it? What happens to the Marine Corps' reputation over the Lakehurst incident?

4. What happens with Howard and Barbara when they go for dinner?

5. What does Fleming tell Fowler about meeting Donovan, what does Fowler say about Donovan, and how does Fleming feel about Donovan?

6. What happens when Galloway, Ward and Schneider are headed to Lakehurst?

7. Who is Franklin Neville and on what subject is he an expert? What has he written on the subject?

8. What does Charley do when he puts together and aircraft, and what is the end result?

9. Where does Knox want Pickering to meet him and what happens when Pickering refuses? What does Knox ask Pickering about his statement in Washington?

10. Why is Jack Dillon in Hollywood?

(see the answer keys)

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