Counterattack: The Corps Test | Final Test - Easy

W. E. B. Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Counterattack: The Corps Test | Final Test - Easy

W. E. B. Griffin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does McInerney assign Galloway when he sees him at a hotel?
(a) To command a flight wing at Tinker Air Force Base.
(b) To go to Pensacola.
(c) He doesn't assign Galloway anywhere.
(d) To work with Jake Dillon.

2. What do aerial photos of Buka show?
(a) That Reeves is ill.
(b) That Reeves is being held captive.
(c) That Reeves' jeep is broken.
(d) That Reeves' radio is broken.

3. What is the name of Pickering's boat that used to be his Pacific Princess?
(a) Roosevelt's Folly.
(b) The President Milliard G. Fillmore.
(c) Japan's Fall.
(d) Germany's Terror.

4. At what hotel is Pickering staying in Pensacola?
(a) San Carlos Hotel.
(b) Hotel Mariah.
(c) The Marriott.
(d) Park Place Plaza.

5. What is the name of Pickering's rented house?
(a) Sunrise Morning.
(b) Rose Arbor.
(c) The Baywatch.
(d) The Elms.

6. What do the group at the Elms talk about when Koffler arrives?
(a) Coastwatchers.
(b) Koffler's date that night.
(c) Barbara and Joe.
(d) The mission.

7. Where where Howard be assigned if he doesn't join the Raiders or Banning?
(a) Ft. Benning.
(b) To a company in North Carolina.
(c) To Ft. Lewis.
(d) To Germany.

8. Where does Koffler find Daphne?
(a) In his bed.
(b) Out in the gardens.
(c) On the phone in the kitchen.
(d) In the library.

9. What injury did Joe receive in the jump?
(a) A sprained wrist.
(b) A broken arm.
(c) A dislocated shoulder.
(d) A broken ankle.

10. Why is Barbara sent to Pickering's house?
(a) To give Koffler immunizations.
(b) To check out Pickerings's health.
(c) To see Joe Howard.
(d) To see Pickering's wife.

11. What is the main subject of the letter Pickering sends to Knox after Joe and Steve left on their mission?
(a) About the battle at Midway.
(b) About the Coastwatchers.
(c) About Steve and Joe.
(d) It had no single main subject.

12. How does Daphne find out how dangerous Koffler's mission is going to be?
(a) She is part of the group talking.
(b) She finds the orders in Koffler's pocket.
(c) She listens outside the door.
(d) She hears Koffler talking on the phone about it.

13. What does Barbara do when she sees Joe in Pickering's sitting room?
(a) Scream.
(b) Cry.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Run into his arms.

14. For what kind of mission is Macklin asked to recruit volunteers?
(a) He is to get volunteers to spy in the Pacific arena.
(b) One that is secret.
(c) A dangerous one.
(d) An easy, but tedious mission.

15. Why has Pickering forbid Banning to go behind enemy lines?
(a) Banning is too old.
(b) Pickering knows about Anchor Japanese Plan.
(c) He knows about Albatross.
(d) Banning's eyesight is bad from when he was blind.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what hotel is McInerney meeting with D. Franco?

2. To what position is Ellen Feller promoted?

3. Where is Banning staying in Australia?

4. How does Holcomb feel about McInerney's idea for Galloway?

5. Why couldn't Banning tell his eight volunteers about their mission until they were in Australia?

(see the answer keys)

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