Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Anton Wilson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Anton Wilson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Saul-Paul Sirag believe time machines would be developed?
(a) In the 1990s.
(b) In the 1980s.
(c) In the 2020s.
(d) In the 2090s.

2. What is the most extreme understanding among those who activate the 8th circuit?
(a) The universal translator is encoded in our DNA.
(b) Consciousness precedes the biological unit.
(c) No terrestrial drugs change biological imprints.
(d) We can reprogram our own programming.

3. What is the basic choice when operating on the 2nd circuit?
(a) Right or left.
(b) Up or down.
(c) Forward or back.
(d) In or out.

4. What is the name of the study of the process of aging?
(a) Gerontology.
(b) Ancientism.
(c) Philosophy.
(d) Cryogenics.

5. Why is a non-local universe meaningless?
(a) Nobody cares about it.
(b) Even if it exists, we could never detect it.
(c) Events there are completely random.
(d) It is impossible.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Schrodinger's Cat Paradox illustrate?

2. What did Wilson's children believe as adolescents that he thought was "bosh"?

3. What is the local universe?

4. How did Henry Adams believe technology would increase?

5. How does Timothy Leary characterize the first four chemical elements?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Charles Berlitz have in common with Wilson?

2. What theory does Dr. Paul Segall believe he was first to develop that is now used by numbers of investigators?

3. What do the four brain circuits have in common that has dominated Western thought?

4. What does the blazing star represent in Freemasonry, according to General Albert Pike, a thirty-third degree Mason?

5. What does Dr. Paul Segall conclude makes immortality possible in his view?

6. What caused Wilson to become fearless?

7. What does Bell's Theorem suggest about the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky demonstration?

8. What does Wilson say inevitably happens to conspiracy buffs?

9. What approaches to immortality have been researched by Dr. Paul Segall?

10. When does the fourth circuit in Timothy Leary's construct of brain function appear in the developing human being?

(see the answer keys)

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