Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Anton Wilson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Anton Wilson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Luna believe such experiences did not occur in the author's presence?
(a) Such things happen only around those that believe.
(b) Such things happen only to the young.
(c) The author manifested selective attention.
(d) Such things happen only to those in need of instruction.

2. What does psychiatrist R.D. Laing believe is the principle cause of psychotic breakdowns?
(a) Information overload.
(b) Misinformation.
(c) Disinformation.
(d) Lack of information.

3. What does the "Immortalist Underground" believe?
(a) Death is unnecessary.
(b) Extending life is improper.
(c) Humans are biodegradable.
(d) Life can be extended by as much as 20-25 years.

4. How many neurological circuits does Timothy Leary believe human beings have?
(a) Eight.
(b) Five.
(c) Four.
(d) Twenty-three.

5. How many Starseed Transmissions were given to the four receivers?
(a) Ninety.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Nineteen.
(d) Ten.

6. What is Chapel Perilous?
(a) A book written by Aleister Crowley.
(b) The location of the Discordian religion.
(c) A name for a bad drug experience.
(d) A mental crossroads calling your beliefs into question.

7. When does Robert K.G. Temple believe Earth was first visited by an advanced race?
(a) 4500 B.C.
(b) A.D. 2012.
(c) A.D. 4500.
(d) A.D. 1976.

8. What is the name of Dr. John Lilly's tape the author uses for self-instruction?
(a) "You Are What You Believe."
(b) "Beliefs Unlimited."
(c) "Prisoner of Belief."
(d) "Limited by Belief."

9. What is the scientific term for abrupt contradictions of one's understanding of reality?
(a) Reality adjustment.
(b) Cognitive dissonance.
(c) Future shock.
(d) Schizophrenia.

10. What is Timothy Leary's principle of neurological relativism?
(a) No two people have identical experiences.
(b) On an given day, a person is either more or less intelligent than the day before.
(c) Any person is either more or less intelligent than any other.
(d) No experience can be exactly replicated.

11. What does the author believe Timothy Leary would regard as the greatest "epistemological sin"?
(a) Falsifying the data.
(b) Failing to understand the data.
(c) Speculating beyond the data.
(d) Disclosing the data.

12. What is the common response when famous people claim extraterrestrial communication?
(a) They receive lucrative book contracts.
(b) Their sanity is called into question.
(c) Nobody pays any attention.
(d) They are interviews on the news.

13. What Greek goddess do the Discordians worship?
(a) Persephone.
(b) Athena.
(c) Demeter.
(d) Eris.

14. What is the Law of Fives?
(a) All events are direction connected to the number five.
(b) The number five underlies all human connections.
(c) The number five has cabalistic powers.
(d) The number five represents perfection.

15. What is the first law of Discordianism?
(a) To each his own reality.
(b) God is a crazy woman.
(c) Conceptualization is art, and you are the artist.
(d) Convictions cause convicts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What government building is sacred to Discordians?

2. What does the author claim that marijuana enabled him to do?

3. What phenomenon did Freud call "projection?"

4. What does the name "AFFA," given by purported extraterrestrials, mean in "Angelic," a Cabalistic language?

5. What did the author first learn about from Michael Horowitz?

(see the answer keys)

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