Corregidora Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Corregidora Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the author of Corregidora?
(a) Gayl Simmons.
(b) Gayl Jones.
(c) Gayl Danticat.
(d) Gayl Smith.

2. What question does Cat ask Ursa in regards to her relationship with Tadpole?
(a) She asks Ursa if he is fulfilling her needs.
(b) She asks if Ursa can give him what he needs.
(c) She asks Ursa if he is treating her right.
(d) She asks Ursa if he is much different from Mutt.

3. What is it about Ursa's appearance that concerned Mutt when they were together?
(a) Her hair was falling out.
(b) The circles under her eyes.
(c) She was losing weight.
(d) She bruised easily.

4. What does Ursa say about roots when Tadpole talks to Cat?
(a) You cannot deny them.
(b) You always carry them with you.
(c) They die quickly and without warning.
(d) You cannot sew them back on.

5. What does Ursa's Great-gram say is the most important thing?
(a) To feel loved.
(b) To tell the truth.
(c) To live without men.
(d) To make generations.

Short Answer Questions

1. What consequence did the plantation wife face because of her actions with her white boss?

2. Finish the sentence: "When it's time to give witness, I'll make a fetus out of ______."

3. What happened to Corregidora that affected him physically?

4. How old is Ursa when Great-Gram tells her about her family history?

5. What does Ursa promise to Cat the last time she sees her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Cat's reaction to Ursa's treatment of Jeffy? What does Ursa think about her treatment of Jeffy?

2. Who comes to visit Cat while Ursa is staying there? What does Ursa overhear Cat say about her?

3. While Ursa is staying at Cat's place, what does Cat tell Ursa about Tadpole? What does she say about Mutt?

4. Whom does Tadpole ask to be a witness at his wedding? Why is Ursa uncomfortable with this?

5. What makes Ursa leave Cat's place? What does she tell Tadpole about this?

6. Why does Mutt not want Ursa to sing at Happy's? What happens when they have an argument over it in the alley?

7. Who is Tadpole with when he fails to pick Ursa up from work? How old is she?

8. What does Tadpole want Ursa to tell him but will not during their argument? What does he say when he is leaving the room?

9. When Jeffy comes to sleep in Ursa's room, what does Ursa offer him? How is this offer revoked later in the night?

10. What does Mutt want to do on their wedding night? What do they end up doing instead?

(see the answer keys)

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