Corelli's Mandolin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Corelli's Mandolin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Corelli catches Pelagia looking at him?
(a) They quickly look away.
(b) They have a staring contest.
(c) He yells at her.
(d) He leaves the house.

2. What had Mandras carried with him as he made his way home from war?
(a) A flask.
(b) A flag.
(c) A map.
(d) Pelagia's letters.

3. Which of Pelagia's animals has eaten Dr. Iannis' manuscript?
(a) A horse.
(b) A dog.
(c) A goat.
(d) A cow.

4. Who helps Pelagia bathe and tend to Mandras?
(a) Dr. Iannis.
(b) Sofia.
(c) Carlo.
(d) Mandras' mother.

5. What had the strongman done to Father Arsenios earlier in the day?
(a) Rolled him down a hill.
(b) Threw him into a pond.
(c) Threw his hat into the air.
(d) Lifted him up onto a wall.

6. Why are the festivals in the town subdued?
(a) All the young men are gone.
(b) There are no festivals during the Lenten season.
(c) There have been budget cuts.
(d) Nothing much happens in the winter.

7. How does Dr. Iannis try to pull Pelagia out of her depression of missing Mandras?
(a) He makes her angry at him.
(b) He sends her on a little vacation.
(c) He lets her redecorate the house.
(d) He gives her money to go shopping.

8. Who is supporting various Greek resistance groups?
(a) The Russians.
(b) The Americans.
(c) The British.
(d) The French.

9. What does Pelagia do when she comes up behind Corelli at the table?
(a) Puts her hands over his eyes.
(b) Puts her hand on his shoulder.
(c) Sings in his ear.
(d) Sits down beside him.

10. When Mandras is well, he tells Pelagia that he is going to _________________________.
(a) go away and fight with the resistance.
(b) set their wedding date.
(c) stay at his cabin in the mountains.
(d) join the priesthood.

11. Who is Mandras' mother?
(a) Phaedra.
(b) Drousula.
(c) Rhea.
(d) Eleni.

12. Who is the German soldier Corelli befriends?
(a) Friedrick Schwartz.
(b) Gunter Weber.
(c) Hans Weber.
(d) Gunter Schmid.

13. Who is the man who Dr. Iannis had cured of his deafness?
(a) Stamatis.
(b) Sergio.
(c) Yanni.
(d) Stephenos.

14. What can Dr Iannis see between Pelagia and Corelli?
(a) Disdain.
(b) Ignorance.
(c) A physical attraction.
(d) Impatience.

15. Why does Pelagia assume that Mandras does not respond to her letters?
(a) He is dead.
(b) He is no longer interested in her.
(c) He is not receiving her letters.
(d) He cannot read.

Short Answer Questions

1. Pelagia is fascinated to watch Corelli __________________ at the table.

2. Dr. Iannis agrees to let Captain Corelli stay in his house in exchange for ___________________.

3. Why does the man in #18 want to be deaf again?

4. Why is Pelagia startled when she arrives home one day?

5. What is "L'Omosessuale"?

(see the answer keys)

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