Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who finds the children in the abandoned hunting shack in Part Nine?
(a) Isabelle Derby.
(b) Fiona O'Reilly.
(c) Nathan's father.
(d) Clay Derby.

2. How does Amari escape from Clay at the end of Part Seven?
(a) Tidbit attacks him.
(b) Hushpuppy bites him.
(c) Polly shoots him.
(d) She pleads for her life.

3. Who has been through Fort Mose already looking for Polly?
(a) Nathan.
(b) Percival.
(c) Clay.
(d) Noah.

4. What giant animal lurks outside the children's cave in Part Seven?
(a) Wolves.
(b) Bears.
(c) Hushpuppy.
(d) Bobcats.

5. When Tidbit realizes in Part Eleven he will not be able to return to Teenie, what request does he make of Amari?
(a) That she let him go to make his own way.
(b) That she ask Polly to be his new mother.
(c) That she be his mother.
(d) That she sends letters to Teenie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What geographical feature of Spanish territory reminds Amari of Africa?

2. Why does Amari choose to go south rather than north in Part SEven?

3. How does Amari feel physically throughout their journey to safety and freedom?

4. What is Tidbit's given name?

5. Why does Inez say that everyone is able to live peacefully in Fort Mose?

Short Essay Questions

1. What choice does Polly have in the decision to go north or south in Part Seven?

2. What clues do we have that Domingo Salvador is not actually drunk in Part Ten?

3. Why is Polly attracted to Nathan?

4. Describe the plan the children devise for escaping Nathan's father.

5. What does the St. Mary's River represent for each of the children?

6. What change occurs in Amari as a result of Dr. Hoskins's gift?

7. Detail Polly's description of freedom.

8. How does Amari comfort Tidbit when he realizes in Part Eleven that he will most likely never see his mother again?

9. When Amari promises that Polly will also forever stay with Tidbit, what does she realize about keeping promises?

10. Is Fiona O'Reilly brave in her decision to help the children?

(see the answer keys)

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