Copper Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Copper Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the crewhands throw overboard after the dancing in Part One?
(a) The bodies of men who have died below deck.
(b) Any slave who has been disobedient.
(c) The rotten food they have not had a chance to eat.
(d) Any evidence that they have been there.

2. What is the price paid for Amari at the slave auction?
(a) 40 pounds.
(b) 60 pounds.
(c) 300 pounds.
(d) 10 pounds.

3. In Part Four, what future does Cato foresee for Myna?
(a) He sees her working in the rice fields.
(b) He sees her married to Clay.
(c) He sees her taking Teenie's place as the cook.
(d) He sees her escaping to the north.

4. How did the first Mrs. Derby die?
(a) In a boating accident.
(b) Of the flu of 1730.
(c) In childbirth with Clay.
(d) In a house fire.

5. Why do Myna and Polly get the opportunity to serve dinner at the big house in Part Four?
(a) Isabelle Derby has been saving a job for Polly.
(b) Clay requests Myna's services.
(c) Mr. Derby knows that Polly deserves to work in the house.
(d) Hildy's daughter must help her recover.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the reader's first hint at Polly's character in Part Two?

2. What is Teenie's advice to Amari upon arrival at the Derby's farm?

3. What type of root does Amari ask Teenie to show her in Part Three?

4. Why does an Ashanti warrior claim that he is partaking in this sort of torture of the Ewe tribe?

5. What will remove the blood and blackberry stains from the carpet in Part 4?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain why Mr. Derby prefers to purchase African men.

2. How do Polly and Amari react toward each other in Part Two when they are first partnered at the Derby Farm?

3. Who is the first Ewe tribe member to die on the march in Part One, and how is this death handled?

4. Why does Kwasi want to "look a giraffe in the eye" (1)?

5. Describe the slaughter of the Ewe tribe at the celebration dinner.

6. Describe the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Derby (as recounted by Teenie in Part Three).

7. What do Mr. Derby and Clay discuss over dinner in Part Four?

8. Why does Cato tell Teenie to let Tidbit go in Part Six?

9. What types of food and activities are planned for the white guests in Part One?

10. Describe the working conditions of the rice field hands.

(see the answer keys)

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