Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Copper Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the stars symbolize for Amari in Part Seven?
(a) That she remains on the same earth as she once did in Africa.
(b) That she is guided by the spirit of Kwasi.
(c) That God is shining down on them.
(d) That there is still light in this world.

2. What is Polly's reaction when they come upon the fishing boy in Part Eight?
(a) She is disgusted by his messiness.
(b) She wonders how she must look to him.
(c) She knows that he is their only chance for a place to rest that night.
(d) She hopes that he will give them some of his fish.

3. Who intercepts Polly, Tidbit and Amari before they make it to the gate?
(a) Clay.
(b) Nathan.
(c) Afi.
(d) Inez.

4. Why does Amari choose to go south rather than north in Part SEven?
(a) Amari knows that Afi is on a plantation to the south.
(b) Amari chooses the easier option.
(c) Amari trusts Cato.
(d) Amari does not like the cold in the north.

5. What advice does Dr. Hoskins give Polly, Tidbit and Amari in Part Seven?
(a) To find a shed in the woods and live there indefinitely.
(b) To locate a friend on the Underground Railroad.
(c) To find the Ashley River and follow it north.
(d) To find the Ashley River and follow it south.

6. What is the cause of Mr. Derby's death?
(a) Poisoning.
(b) Heart attack.
(c) Stroke.
(d) Alligator attack.

7. What job does Captain Menendez envision for Polly?
(a) Carpenter.
(b) Teacher.
(c) Nanny.
(d) Accountant.

8. What advice does Polly give Amari about Besa in Part Ten?
(a) That seeing him in such a state could give her the stamina necessary to carry on.
(b) That she should hold onto hope that he will gain freedom.
(c) That maybe one day they will be able to be married.
(d) That seeing him has probably scarred her for life.

9. Why does Inez say that everyone is able to live peacefully in Fort Mose?
(a) The life is so easy in Fort Mose.
(b) All the men are fighting for the Spanish.
(c) They do not have many possessions to fight over.
(d) Everyone is of the same race in Fort Mose.

10. How does Captain Menendez address Polly, Amari, and Tidbit?
(a) "English" (291).
(b) "My children" (291).
(c) "Spanish" (291).
(d) "Responsible" (291).

11. What city are Polly, Tidbit and Amari near when they meet Nathan?
(a) Charles Town, SC.
(b) Atlanta, GA.
(c) Tampa, FL.
(d) Savannah, GA.

12. Where must the children go to escape Nathan's father?
(a) The river.
(b) The swamp.
(c) Fort Mose.
(d) New Orleans.

13. What advice does Fiona NOT offer the children about getting to Fort Mose?
(a) Go north to the Underground Railroad.
(b) Head south to Spanish territory.
(c) Travel by night.
(d) Pretend Amari and Tidbit are Polly's slaves.

14. Why is Tidbit scared to cross the St. Mary's River?
(a) He thinks the water is too dirty.
(b) He cannot swim.
(c) He is worried about Hushpuppy.
(d) He fears alligators.

15. What is the name of the leader of Fort Mose?
(a) Captain Noah.
(b) Captain Menendez.
(c) King Philip.
(d) King Jasper.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who finds the children in the abandoned hunting shack in Part Nine?

2. What is a freedom Inez does NOT say she enjoys?

3. What gift does Fiona NOT provide the children?

4. When the children realize they must traverse a swamp in Part Eight, what is a reaction they do NOT have?

5. What does King Philip want from the citizens of Fort Mose?

(see the answer keys)

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