Copper Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Copper Sun Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many wives does the chief elder of the Ewes have?
(a) Four.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

2. Why does the sailor in Part One seem to have chosen Amari?
(a) For sexual gratification.
(b) To be a missionary to her.
(c) To help her.
(d) For companionship.

3. What does Teenie's cooking make both Polly and Amari think about in Part Two?
(a) Their mothers' cooking.
(b) Their chances of escape.
(c) The recipes they once made.
(d) Their love for Clay Derby.

4. Which fact is true about Polly's father?
(a) He was an unkind man.
(b) He died of consumption.
(c) He was a drunk.
(d) Polly never knew him.

5. How do the white people at the slave auction in Part One act toward the slaves?
(a) With intense interest.
(b) With cool detachment.
(c) With extreme pity.
(d) With utter hatred.

6. Which of the following is NOT true about Polly's mother?
(a) She loved Polly's father.
(b) She had trouble getting paid work because of the reliance on slave labor.
(c) She wanted a simple life for Polly.
(d) She was an orphan.

7. Who is seen outside the window of Isabelle's baby's birth?
(a) Clay.
(b) Conrad.
(c) Noah.
(d) Percival.

8. When Bill is not around to protect her in Part One, what happens to Amari?
(a) She is unable to bathe.
(b) She is forced to starve.
(c) She misses him.
(d) She is raped by multiple men.

9. How old is Tidbit?
(a) Four.
(b) Five.
(c) Six.
(d) Three.

10. How does Clay respond to Polly's questions and ability to read in Part Two?
(a) He ignores her completely.
(b) He tells her she should talk to Mr. Derby.
(c) He tells her that women should know their place.
(d) He kindly answers her questions.

11. Why does Teenie not know her exact age?
(a) She is too young to be aware of her age.
(b) She has never cared about age.
(c) Her mother taught her that a woman should never tell her age.
(d) Slaves' birthdays often were not recorded.

12. Which of the following is a simile that describes how the slaves are arranged below deck?
(a) "Slimy with waste" (43)
(b) "Their feet were locked in leg irons" (43).
(c) "The air in this place seemed to have been sucked out" (43)
(d) "Stacked like logs" (43)

13. How many hours a day are the women tied on the ship in Part One?
(a) 4.
(b) 16.
(c) 8.
(d) 20.

14. What is not part of the Ewe definition of hospitality?
(a) Providing entertainment.
(b) Making food.
(c) Seeking payment.
(d) Supplying music.

15. What is Teenie's advice to Amari upon arrival at the Derby's farm?
(a) To hold onto her memories of Africa but fall in love with Clay.
(b) To stay away from Mrs. Derby and slave men.
(c) To learn English but keep her mouth shut.
(d) To refuse to go with Tidbit and to slap Mr. Derby when she gets the chance.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Clay communicate with Myna after the beating by Mr. Derby?

2. When the Derby men discuss purchasing more slaves in Part Four, Polly thinks it is almost like they are talking about which of the following?

3. How does the woman whom Amari befriends in the holding area know so much about what is to come for the newly-captured Ewe people?

4. What might be the function of the story of Chief Agokoli?

5. Why does Teenie understand Amari's love of Africa?

(see the answer keys)

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