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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What non-scientific talent of Kramers’ do Heisenberg and Bohr discuss?
2. Who is with Heisenberg when he has his moment of clarity?
3. How old was Bohr when Heisenberg first visited Copenhagen?
4. Where did Bohr work out complementarity?
5. Where were Heisenberg’s rooms in 1924?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is Heisenberg’s plan (according to him, in present day) for talking to Bohr about the atomic project?
2. What were the conditions under which Heisenberg was allowed to practice science after the war?
3. Where does Heisenberg spend the last months of the war, and why?
4. How did Bohr react during the events of Christian’s death?
5. What could have happened to the reactor in Haigerloch?
6. Who oversees Heisenberg’s research in Germany?
7. What does Heisenberg claim to think about his own plan for talking to Bohr about the atomic projects in Copenhagen?
8. When did Fermi achieve the first self-sustaining chain reaction, in relationship to Heisenberg?
9. What extreme act does Heisenberg claim that Bohr would have been justified in doing?
10. What was strange about the cadmium that Heisenberg had in Haigerloch?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Bohr and Heisenberg fight throughout the play, but also resolve their differences at various points. What are the issues that lead them into a stalemate? What helps them make up after fighting? Do they ever really resolve any of their issues?
Essay Topic 2
Margrethe makes various aside comments regarding Heisenberg. What is her opinion of him? Is it a static opinion, or does it change over the course of the play? If so, how, and why?
Essay Topic 3
At various points, Bohr is described as a father figure. In what ways does Heisenberg act as a son to Bohr, and Bohr a father to Heisenberg? Why is this significant for the book? Discuss their first and last meetings in this context.
This section contains 500 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |