Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Medium

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Medium

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Frances get so upset at Valerie in Chapter 17?
(a) She insults Bobbi's sister.
(b) She is rude to Melissa.
(c) She insults Frances's parents.
(d) She speaks derisively about Nick when he is not in the room.

2. What compliment does Evelyn give to Nick in Chapter 21 at Melissa's book launch?
(a) He is more charming and funny than ever before.
(b) He seems much physically stronger than he had over the summer.
(c) He looks very well.
(d) He has lost a lot of weight.

3. What does Frances tell Nick in Chapter 14 about her father?
(a) That they are very close.
(b) That he has abused her.
(c) That she has never met him.
(d) That he has problems with alcohol.

4. What does Bobbi do in Chapter 15 that embarrasses Frances?
(a) She tells everyone Frances has a crush on Nick.
(b) She tells everyone Frances is only pretending to be gay.
(c) She puts Frances's name in the bowl for the game and makes Nick answer embarrassing questions about Frances.
(d) She shows everyone embarrassing pictures of Frances.

5. What does Melissa tell Frances about Nick in Chapter 15 that she struggles to understand the meaning of?
(a) Melissa tells Frances Nick is troubled.
(b) Melissa tells Frances Nick is a broken man.
(c) Melissa tells Frances Nick is confused.
(d) Melissa tells Frances Nick is useless.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Nick reassure Frances about their relationship in Chapter 14?

2. Why is everyone so stressed about the visitor coming the day before Frances and Bobbi leave Etables?

3. What happens to Frances in Chapter 22 at the bus shelter at college?

4. What does Frances's father call her to tell her in Chapter 21?

5. What do the doctors tell Frances is the cause of her pain before she leaves the hospital?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 21, what does Frances do at Melissa's book launch that makes Bobbi so angry?

2. In Chapter 13, what does Bobbi ask Melissa not to call her and Frances?

3. What does Frances find herself reading instead of her academic assignments in the beginning of Chapter 19?

4. What does Frances tell Nick in Chapter 22 that prompts him to tell her she is being very dramatic?

5. At the end of Chapter 15, what is Frances so upset about regarding her relationship with Nick?

6. What does Frances do in Chapter 20 several times to try to make sense of her past communications with Bobbi?

7. How does Frances's date with Rossa turn out at the end of Chapter 21?

8. What very personal information does Nick share with Frances in Chapter 14?

9. In Chapter 14, why is Frances so grateful that Bobbi buys her an ice cream?

10. How does Bobbi seem to feel that Frances's relationship with Nick is affecting her own relationship with Frances?

(see the answer keys)

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