Conversations with Friends Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Conversations with Friends Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nick say to Frances when he sees her at the book launch in Chapter 8?
(a) It is nice to see her.
(b) He thought he told her he never wanted to see her again.
(c) He would like to take her home right then.
(d) He thinks it best if they stop messaging each other.

2. What television show does Frances watch one night in Chapter 9 while Nick talks to Melissa on the phone?
(a) Game of Thrones.
(b) Arrested Development.
(c) Catastrophe.
(d) Friends.

3. How does Nick find out about Melissa's affairs?
(a) He finds receipts from her outings with her lovers.
(b) He finds letters from her lovers.
(c) His best friend tells him.
(d) She tells him.

4. Who does Melissa tell Frances and Bobbi owns the house she vacations in?
(a) Valerie, an old friend.
(b) Melissa's family.
(c) Melissa's ex-husband.
(d) Nick's family.

5. What is Bobbi upset with Frances about in Chapter 10?
(a) That Frances does not want to perform with Bobbi any more.
(b) That Frances is not attracted to Bobbi any more.
(c) That Frances is moving in with Nick.
(d) That Frances accused her of being jealous of Nick.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Frances do after she and Nick have sex for the first time that alarms Nick?

2. Where does Melissa invite Bobbi and Frances for their second meeting?

3. What kind of writing does Frances specialize in?

4. Which of the following most closely matches Frances's physical description of herself?

5. What does Bobbi tell Frances about Melissa as they leave the dinner at Melissa's house in Chapter 2?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is one of the things that makes Frances feel sexually powerful in her relationship with Nick?

2. What does Bobbi tell Melissa about her and Frances's writing collaborations?

3. What does Nick do to Frances right before she kisses him for the first time?

4. What does Nick tell Frances in Chapter 9 when she says she does not want to wreck his marriage by having an affair?

5. How does Bobbi describe her and Frances to Melissa the night they first meet?

6. What does Frances think about Melissa's and Nick's relationship after the first dinner she and Bobbi are invited to in their house?

7. In Chapter 4, What does Frances think of the play she sees Nick perform in, and of Nick's performance itself?

8. Why does Frances enjoy getting positive feedback on her writing assignments in college?

9. Where do Frances and Nick have their first kiss?

10. In Chapter 2, what does Frances tell Nick about the difference between the way people see her and they way they see Bobbi, and how does Nick react?

(see the answer keys)

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