Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Easy

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Easy

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls Frances as the group walks into town the fourth night she is in France?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her father.
(c) Philip.
(d) Her mother.

2. What does Nick suggest doing in Chapter 16 that prompts Bobbi to ask whether he has a death wish?
(a) Opening a bottle of wine.
(b) Trying marijuana from a new drug dealer.
(c) Going for a swim in the ocean at night.
(d) Leaving the house and skipping dinner with Valerie.

3. What upsets Frances's mother about the way she talks about her father?
(a) Frances is very stressed by her father and once told her mother she did not have to love him just because he is her father.
(b) Frances's mother wishes Frances loved her as much as Frances loved her father.
(c) Frances has told her mother she never wants to see her father again.
(d) Frances has told her mother she hates her father.

4. What does Frances's father call her to tell her in Chapter 21?
(a) That he is moving to London.
(b) That he can not pay her allowance anymore.
(c) That he wants to come to Dublin to drink and to see her.
(d) That he has just put money in her account.

5. What does Nick tell Frances about his mental health in Chapter 14?
(a) Nick tells Frances he has never had mood problems.
(b) Nick tells Frances bipolar disorder runs in his family.
(c) Nick tells Frances he takes medication for depression.
(d) Nick tells Frances he had had problems with hallucinations.

6. What does one of the doctors tell Frances could be the cause of her pain?
(a) Liver cancer.
(b) Appendicitis.
(c) Gallbladder attack.
(d) A miscarriage.

7. Why does Nick tell Frances he decided not to send her a song in Chapter 20?
(a) He remembered he already sent her the song.
(b) It is Melissa's favorite song.
(c) He anticipated her sarcastic reply and changed his mind.
(d) He realized she hates the artist.

8. What does Nick tell Frances about his feelings for Melissa in Chapter 15 that hurts Frances and takes her aback?
(a) He does not love Melissa but stays with her in their relationship because he feels sorry for her.
(b) He still loves Melissa but will break up with her soon because she has gained a lot of weight.
(c) He never loved Melissa.
(d) He still loves Melissa.

9. What happens to Frances in Chapter 22 at the bus shelter at college?
(a) She gets robbed.
(b) She faints.
(c) Bobbi slaps her.
(d) She gets into an argument with Nick.

10. What is the documentary Nick is featured in as a child that Frances watches in Chapter 19?
(a) Our Future Scientists.
(b) Talented Children of Ireland.
(c) Kid Genius!
(d) Child Prodigy.

11. What is the name of the man Frances matches with on Tinder and goes on a date with in Chapter 21?
(a) Rossa.
(b) Desmond.
(c) Eoin.
(d) James.

12. What does Melissa tell Bobbi not to say in front of Valerie?
(a) Anything about being an artist.
(b) Any snide remarks about rich people.
(c) Anything about pop culture.
(d) Anything about being gay.

13. What does Bobbi do when she comes outside to calm Frances down in Chapter 17?
(a) Gives Frances a joint.
(b) Kisses Frances.
(c) Gives Frances her own ring to keep.
(d) Gives Frances a strong drink.

14. What does Frances's internship supervisor tell her when her time there ends?
(a) She is not cut out for publishing work.
(b) She needs to marry young so she will not have to support herself.
(c) Her work was always good and she would have a decent reference for Frances.
(d) She should never come back there again.

15. What does Frances say to Nick when she sees him for the first time when he gets back from France?
(a) She tells him he looks so good.
(b) She asks him if he told Melissa about them yet.
(c) She asks him if he will move in with her.
(d) She asks him what took him so long to get there.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bobbi accuse Frances of doing more of with Nick than with her in Chapter 19?

2. Why does Frances get so upset at Valerie in Chapter 17?

3. What compliment does Evelyn give to Nick in Chapter 21 at Melissa's book launch?

4. What does Bobbi do in Chapter 15 that embarrasses Frances?

5. What does Frances do in Chapter 19 to try to make better sense of her past relationship with Bobbi?

(see the answer keys)

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