Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Easy

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Conversations with Friends Test | Final Test - Easy

Rooney, Sally
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nick suggest doing in Chapter 16 that prompts Bobbi to ask whether he has a death wish?
(a) Opening a bottle of wine.
(b) Trying marijuana from a new drug dealer.
(c) Going for a swim in the ocean at night.
(d) Leaving the house and skipping dinner with Valerie.

2. Why does Bobbi move in with Frances in Chapter 20?
(a) She has been kicked out of the house by her sister, who she has been staying with.
(b) She wants to keep an eye on Frances so Frances does not see Nick any more.
(c) She is being abused and needs a place to stay.
(d) She needs to get out of her house - and closer into town - because of her family tensions.

3. What article of Nick's clothing is Frances especially taken with in Chapter 21?
(a) His grey cashmere coat.
(b) His golf jacket.
(c) His blue silk button-down shirt.
(d) His tartan trousers.

4. What does Nick tell Frances about his mental health in Chapter 14?
(a) Nick tells Frances bipolar disorder runs in his family.
(b) Nick tells Frances he has never had mood problems.
(c) Nick tells Frances he takes medication for depression.
(d) Nick tells Frances he had had problems with hallucinations.

5. What does Frances find when she visits her father's house in Chapter 19?
(a) Rancid food and maggots in the trash can.
(b) A dead body.
(c) Twenty cats.
(d) Her father, passed out.

6. What does Frances call Bobbi to ask her a few days after she gets out of the hospital in Chapter 19?
(a) If Bobbi still likes Melissa.
(b) If Bobbi approves of Nick.
(c) If they are still friends.
(d) If they can get back together romantically.

7. What does Melissa ask Frances in Chapter 15 about Nick that surprises Frances?
(a) Whether she has ever had a boyfriend.
(b) If she is really gay.
(c) Whether Nick has been bothering her.
(d) If she is attracted to Melissa.

8. Where is Nick's family home as a child?
(a) Dalkey.
(b) Killiney.
(c) Sandymount.
(d) Ballsbridge.

9. Why does Bobbi get so angry at Frances in Chapter 21?
(a) She thinks Frances is using her to make Nick feel jealous.
(b) She thinks Frances is wasting her talent.
(c) She thinks Frances will ask her to move out of the apartment soon.
(d) She thinks Frances is letting herself be used by Melissa.

10. What does Frances tell Nick in Chapter 14 about her father?
(a) That he has problems with alcohol.
(b) That she has never met him.
(c) That they are very close.
(d) That he has abused her.

11. What do Frances and Nick fight about at the end of Chapter 15?
(a) Frances is upset when Nick says he has to end their affair.
(b) Frances is upset when Nick says he still loves Melissa.
(c) Nick is upset that Frances is going back to Dublin early.
(d) Nick is upset when Frances says she likes women more than men.

12. What happens to Frances in Chapter 22 at the bus shelter at college?
(a) She faints.
(b) She gets robbed.
(c) She gets into an argument with Nick.
(d) Bobbi slaps her.

13. How does Nick react when Frances calls him from the hospital?
(a) He is sad she is in the hospital.
(b) He breaks up with her.
(c) He is very angry.
(d) He is very concerned.

14. What does Frances say to Nick in Chapter 22 that she feels seals her humiliation with him?
(a) That she would do anything to keep him.
(b) That she will tell Melissa about them to ruin his life.
(c) That she will move to another country unless he marries her.
(d) That the problem is that she loves him and he does not love her.

15. How does Nick reassure Frances about their relationship in Chapter 14?
(a) He tells her he will marry her someday.
(b) He tells her he will give her enough money to live on.
(c) He tells her he is getting ready to leave Melissa.
(d) He tells her he wants her very badly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Frances's internship supervisor tell her when her time there ends?

2. What does Melissa tell Frances about Nick in Chapter 15 that she struggles to understand the meaning of?

3. Why does Frances get so upset at Valerie in Chapter 17?

4. Why is everyone so stressed about the visitor coming the day before Frances and Bobbi leave Etables?

5. Why does Bobbi come to Nick's bedroom late at night at the end of Chapter 17?

(see the answer keys)

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