Conversations of Socrates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Conversations of Socrates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What made Euthydemus feel wise?
(a) He had read the writings of poets and sages.
(b) He had battlefield skills..
(c) He had made the decision to flee Greece.
(d) He had a vision from the gods.

2. According to Socrates, what is one way to learn what is right?
(a) By doing wrong.
(b) By asking your parents.
(c) By trial and error.
(d) By following the laws of the state.

3. What are the main themes of Chapter 3?
(a) Socrates should be remembered as a god.
(b) Revolt is the only answer.
(c) The love affair of Xenophon.
(d) The nature of love and Socrates' ideal true goodness.

4. Whom does Socrates describe as soft?
(a) The soldiers of Greece.
(b) Charmides' children.
(c) Those that do not use their talents to serve their country.
(d) The police force in Athens.

5. What does Socrates discuss with Charmides at the start of subsection 7?
(a) Their plans to take over the world.
(b) How to become wealthy.
(c) Crimes of passion.
(d) How to win in athletic competitions.

6. What does Xenophon claim no one should believe about Socrates?
(a) He made valid points.
(b) He was an intelligent man.
(c) He made false claims about the divine.
(d) He cared for people.

7. What event was Xenophon hosting a party to celebrate in Chapter 3?
(a) His recent favors from the gods.
(b) A victorious battle by soldiers.
(c) Autolycus' victory in the pancration.
(d) His election to the Senate .

8. How does Socrates feel about Pericles (the younger)?
(a) He can't stand him.
(b) He would like to kill him.
(c) He believes him to be the most pious of all people.
(d) He has high hopes for his generalship.

9. What does Socrates talk with Epigenes about in subsection 12?
(a) His snobby attitude.
(b) His poor physical condition.
(c) A job he has in mind for him.
(d) The afterlife.

10. Socrates argues the gods are concerned with ____________.
(a) The government.
(b) Power and might.
(c) Their own splendor.
(d) Human welfare.

11. What does Socrates believe the Athenians should do?
(a) Repent of their sins.
(b) Go on the offensive.
(c) Relocate the city.
(d) Recover their ancestral forms of life.

12. What does Socrates question Theodote about?
(a) Her religious practices.
(b) Her thoughts on marriage.
(c) How she finds friends.
(d) Her allegiance to Greece.

13. What does Socrates focus on instead of what is good generally, at the close of Subsection 8?
(a) He focuses on what things are good for what purpose.
(b) He focuses on the good he has done.
(c) He focuses on his godly nature.
(d) He focuses on the evils of his fellow man.

14. What does Socrates tell Euthydemus about people without self-discipline?
(a) They are no better than beasts.
(b) He should kill them.
(c) They make great leaders.
(d) They rule the world.

15. What does Socrates believe is part of living a well-ordered life?
(a) Good eating.
(b) Drinking to excess.
(c) A vow of silence.
(d) Staying awake.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lycon tell Socrates as he is leaving after the discussion?

2. What does Socrates say about homosexuality?

3. What does Socrates do to help people avoid mistakes and to teach others?

4. How does Charmides act around the weakest of people according to Socrates?

5. Where does Socrates explain to Critobulus you can find beauty?

(see the answer keys)

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