Convenience Store Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sayaka Murata
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Convenience Store Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sayaka Murata
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which manager was a wimp and not strict enough with the night shift?
(a) #3.
(b) #2.
(c) #7.
(d) #4.

2. What quantity of the special of the day on page 46 are employees to sell?
(a) 100.
(b) 120.
(c) 115.
(d) 110.

3. On page 2, what type of cigarettes does a man buy?
(a) Doral.
(b) Pall Mall.
(c) Camel.
(d) Marlboro.

4. On page 51, what did Shiraha want Sugawara to allow him to do?
(a) Place orders.
(b) Man the till.
(c) Fill the coffee machine.
(d) Sweep the store.

5. On page 46, how many phrases does the manager lead Keiko, Shiraha, and Sugawara in repeating?
(a) 8.
(b) 6.
(c) 10.
(d) 5.

6. What days of the week does Keiko have off?
(a) Friday and Sunday.
(b) Sunday and Monday.
(c) Saturday and Sunday.
(d) Tuesday and Saturday.

7. What type of shoes does Keiko buy from a store where Mrs. Izumi likes to shop?
(a) Sandals.
(b) Mules.
(c) Mary Janes.
(d) Ballet flats.

8. What excuse does Keiko give friends for working part-time?
(a) Caring for her grandmother.
(b) Caring for her parents.
(c) Health issues.
(d) Helping her sister.

9. When Keiko wakes early, what does she do?
(a) Fixes breakfast at home.
(b) Calls her parents.
(c) Takes a walk.
(d) Gets off the train one station before her stop.

10. When does Keiko remember a rival store closing down and they were inundated with their customers?
(a) 6 years after the store opened.
(b) 2 years ago.
(c) 5 years ago.
(d) 4 years after the store opened.

11. How much younger is Keiko's little sister than she is?
(a) 3 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 30 months.
(d) 18 months.

12. On page 45, what will be Shiraha's hours?
(a) 9 to 5.
(b) 9 to 4.
(c) 8 to 5.
(d) 8 to 4.

13. Which manager does Keiko remember was dependable and like cleaning?
(a) #3.
(b) #7.
(c) #4.
(d) #6.

14. Which manager does Keiko remember caused a scandal when the entire night shift all quit?
(a) #6.
(b) #7.
(c) #1.
(d) #5.

15. On page 29, what bun is on special?
(a) Fresh cream and custard.
(b) Custard.
(c) Mango chocolate.
(d) Azuki sweet beans.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Keiko have before her shift starts for breakfast?

2. What type of world is a convenience store?

3. What does Keiko arrange on page 1?

4. When did the Smile Mart outside Hiiromachi Station open?

5. When did Keiko become friends with Miho?

(see the answer keys)

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