Confessions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Augustine begin to understand from studying the books in question 104?
(a) That God does not look at an evil man.
(b) That corruption is a result of poor choices.
(c) That evil is a result of ignorance and corruption of the good.
(d) That evil cannot pass through the veil

2. Beyond what is memory?
(a) Oneness with God.
(b) Mere memory of sensory impressions and bodily touch.
(c) Death.
(d) Life.

3. Who accompanies Augustine for the holiday?
(a) Septimus.
(b) His wife.
(c) His friend Alypius and his mother Monica.
(d) No one.

4. What indicates that Augustine is not quite ready to fully embrace the way of being a priest of Christianity?
(a) He still attends Manichean rites.
(b) He has not yet divorced his wife.
(c) He still goes to the houses of "ill repute."
(d) He still has a mistress.

5. What phrase does Augustine use as an example of different interpretations?
(a) "In the beginning."
(b) "The word was God."
(c) "Nothing that was made."
(d) "The word became God."

6. To what does Augustine compare the recitation of a psalm?
(a) The song of creation.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Hope spoken.
(d) The passing of one human life or all of human history.

7. Why does Augustine publish his Confessions?
(a) To earn some money.
(b) To convert pagans.
(c) So the public to know what he once was and what he is now after his Christian conversion.
(d) To see if there were others out there like him.

8. What does Augustine want to measure?
(a) Time and non-time.
(b) Time and breadth.
(c) Time and length.
(d) Length and breadth.

9. Though formlessness is close to nothing, it is not the same as what?
(a) Hope.
(b) Possibility.
(c) Potential.
(d) Nothingness.

10. What differs for each individual and even at different periods of a person's life?
(a) Faith.
(b) The happy life.
(c) God.
(d) Memory.

11. If two people both believe in the word of God, what can be fruitful?
(a) Agreement.
(b) Debate about interpretations.
(c) Compromise on interpretation.
(d) Witnessing to a third.

12. What does the mind retain in memory?
(a) Not just an image of an object, but all qualities of an object, the thing itself.
(b) Love more than anything.
(c) Self.
(d) God.

13. With what word in the scriptures is Augustine particularly fascinated?
(a) Heaven.
(b) Formlessness.
(c) Time.
(d) Creation.

14. What is one definition of evil?
(a) A decision to not follow one's own heart.
(b) A active pushing away of a child from the light.
(c) The absence of good intentions.
(d) A perversity of the will and a turning against God.

15. Who is Victorinus?
(a) A man who translates the Platonist texts into Gaelic.
(b) A man who translates the Platonist texts into modern Greek.
(c) A man who translates the Platonist texts into Latin.
(d) A man who is studying the Greek gods with Augustine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What tempts Augustine in this part of his life?

2. As time goes on, what happens to the future?

3. What story does Augustine learn from a man named Firminus?

4. What can the mind remember though it doesn't exist anymore?

5. How do men receive reflected wisdom from God?

(see the answer keys)

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