Confessions of Zeno Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of Zeno Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Carla end the affair with Zeno?
(a) She didn't want to hurt Zeno's wife.
(b) Zeno was harsh with her.
(c) She wanted to get married.
(d) Zeno tried to force her to continue singing.

2. Why does Zeno think Carmen screamed on the boat?
(a) Guido squeezed her.
(b) She was angry with Zeno.
(c) She caught a fish.
(d) She was afraid of the dark.

3. With whom did Carla live?
(a) Her sister.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her mother and father.
(d) Her father.

4. Why did Zeno tell Augusta about Carla?
(a) To gain her trust.
(b) To trick her.
(c) To make her jealous.
(d) To maintain his innocence.

5. What did the doctor think about Zeno's relationship with Guido?
(a) He continuously envied him.
(b) He had never ceased disliking him.
(c) He came to regard him as a brother.
(d) He loved him.

6. Why did Ada say Zeno was good?
(a) He always went home to his wife and children.
(b) He loved Augusta.
(c) He helped Guido for free.
(d) He stopped making passes at her.

7. Who was Carla Gerco?
(a) A maid.
(b) A stenographer.
(c) A singer Copler was helping to support.
(d) Augusta's friend.

8. Why does Zeno say Catina called him a little Jew?
(a) The way he looked.
(b) He refused to give her money.
(c) She disliked Jews.
(d) He refused to lend his brother his spoon.

9. What disease did Zeno think Dr. Paoli might diagnose him with?
(a) Turberculosis.
(b) Diabetes.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Grave's disease.

10. How did Zeno attempt to fool the doctor?
(a) By pretending he'd dreamed of sucking on a woman's left foot.
(b) By pretending he'd dreamed of killing his father.
(c) By pretending he'd dreamed of Carla.
(d) By pretending he'd dreamed of Augusta.

11. Which war begins at the end of this book?
(a) World War I.
(b) The Thirty Years' War.
(c) World War II.
(d) The American Revolution.

12. Why does Zeno say he was irritated by Guido's way of thinking?
(a) He reminded him of Giovanni.
(b) He saw his faults so clearly.
(c) His thoughts were similar to Zeno's.
(d) He reminded him of his father.

13. As time goes on, Zeno found new ways to justify his relationship with Carla. What was one of them?
(a) Augusta was unkind to him.
(b) Carla restored him to good health.
(c) It made him more loving to Augusta.
(d) Augusta wasn't passionate enough.

14. What does Zeno do about smoking after ending his psychoanalysis sessions?
(a) He gives it up forever.
(b) He decides to cut back on smoking instead of quitting.
(c) He entices his wife to take up the habit with him.
(d) He resumes making resolutions about smoking.

15. Who was the fifth addition to the office Zeno shared with Guido?
(a) Olivi's son.
(b) Zeno's son.
(c) Carmen.
(d) Carlos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What disease was Ada diagnosed with?

2. Why didn't Guido want an office near the warehouse?

3. To what did the doctor attribute Zeno's problems?

4. How did Augusta feel about the fifth addition to the office?

5. What did Zeno think the first time Carla sang for him?

(see the answer keys)

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