Book Review
Write a review of this book.
Two-Headed Eagle
Use the internet to find a picture of the Austrian two-headed eagle. Describe what you see and how it makes you feel.
Draw Zeno
Draw a picture of Zeno as you imagine him. Use Zeno's description of himself as a guideline.
Silva's Obituary
Write an obituary for Zeno's father.
Write a limerick.
Write a funny poem about Zeno's smoking habit.
Treatment Plan
Create a treatment plan for helping Zeno to beat his smoking habit.
Predict what Zeno's father would say to Zeno if he could communicate with him through table turning.
Create a Travel Guide
Read about Lucinico and create a travel guide for it.
Write a Fable
Guido and Zeno tried their hands at writing fables. Write one of your own.
Itale Svevo Biography
Find and read a biography of Italo Svevo online.
Trieste Travel Guide
This section contains 361 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |