The Confessions of Nat Turner Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Confessions of Nat Turner Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From which room did Nat steal a book?
(a) Mr. Turner's bedroom.
(b) The library.
(c) The smoking room.
(d) The parlor.

2. What type of bird does Nat watch from his hiding place immediately after stealing the book?
(a) Eagles.
(b) Robins.
(c) Crows.
(d) Buzzards.

3. What was Hark best-known for at the Travis farm?
(a) Getting married.
(b) Being "strong as an ox".
(c) Being able to read.
(d) Running away.

4. Who ends up killing the first victim in the insurrection?
(a) Sam.
(b) Hark.
(c) Will.
(d) Nat.

5. Shortly after the trial, what happens to Nate?
(a) He gets a Bible.
(b) He gets a premonition.
(c) He gets a fever.
(d) He gets a warning.

Short Answer Questions

1. Nat took four slaves to be hired out to Vaughan's for two weeks. When Nat met the men at the trace, what happened?

2. How did Benjamin die?

3. According to a preacher that Nat heard, he that increaseth knowledge increaseth ________.

4. What were Marse Samuel's "grander plans" for Nat?

5. What does Nat find in Mrs. Whitehead's library that furthers his plans for a slave uprising?

Short Essay Questions

1. Much of Part 2 is taken up with items from Nat's past. Why was so much of the book spent on the early times in Nat's life, rather than on his planning for the rebellion?

2. When Nat preaches in town in Part 3, he does not use proper English. Why do you think he does that?

3. In Part 2, Nat tells of Little Morning spying on him as a jealous response to the realization that Nat could read. This is the first time Nat tells of a negative reaction to his reading and learning. Why might Little Morning have reacted like this?

4. In Part 1, Marse Samuel speaks to Dr. Ballard about the existence of slavery in the South. He says "it is evil to keep these people in bondage, yet they cannot be freed. They must be educated!" Samuel's brother Benjamin does not agree with him and argues the other point. Who makes the better argument?

5. After Nathaniel Francis forces Will and Sam to fight, Nat feels called to preach for the first time. Why do you think that was the event that brought Nat out in public as a preacher? Quote at least one reason from the book.

6. In Part 2, when Nat baptizes Willis, he feels he's on the brink of great things, that great possibilities in his life are opening up. Yet soon after, his life changes as the slaves and eventually the plantation, including him, are sold. Is it possible that this had an effect on Nat's eventual decision to kill the whites? Why?

7. After Nat's fast in Part 3, he said there were two events that helped him interpret his vision of the fighting angels as a mandate to kill whites. What were those two events?

8. In Part 3, when Nat is owned by Thomas Moore, he says that he fell into the kind of save work that he had believed before could "not ever become my lot, not in a thousand lifetimes." Yet now it had become his lot. How did Nat react to that? How does this turning point relate to his earlier childhood and education, as well as his eventual killing spree?

9. In Part 3 when Nat goes on his five-day fast, he begs the Lord to give him a sign and believed the Lord answered his request. What does Nat describe as being the answer to his request of the Lord?

10. Early in Part 2, the traveling salesman asks Nat to spell a word. This is the second time in the book that a spelling request has frightened Nat. What are some of the reasons Nat gives for his terror?

(see the answer keys)

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