The Confessions of Nat Turner Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Confessions of Nat Turner Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Nat approaches the age of thirty, what does he notice about the area in which he lives?
(a) His master is getting meaner.
(b) The drought is destroying everything.
(c) His fellow slaves are much more miserable.
(d) A bit of prosperity is returning.

2. In Part 2, what does Nat say is the most futile thing a man can do?
(a) Ponder the alternatives.
(b) Wish to be free.
(c) Try to run away.
(d) Learn to read.

3. In Part 3, how many Negroes did Gray say there were in Southampton County?
(a) 6,000.
(b) 9,000.
(c) 7,000.
(d) 8,000.

4. What was the companion book to the one Nat stole?
(a) The Life and Death of Mr. Goodman.
(b) Grace Abounding.
(c) Letters of John Adams.
(d) Wuthering Heights.

5. What was Hark best-known for at the Travis farm?
(a) Being "strong as an ox".
(b) Running away.
(c) Getting married.
(d) Being able to read.

6. Who ends up killing the first victim in the insurrection?
(a) Hark.
(b) Nat.
(c) Will.
(d) Sam.

7. Who was Nat's owner when Nat was about twelve?
(a) He was free when he was twelve.
(b) Jeremiah Cobb.
(c) Mrs. Turner.
(d) Samuel Turner.

8. After creating his little "tabernacle" in the woods at Moore's farm, what does Nat occasionally do?
(a) Fast.
(b) Exercise.
(c) Preach.
(d) Write letters.

9. From which room did Nat steal a book?
(a) Mr. Turner's bedroom.
(b) The smoking room.
(c) The parlor.
(d) The library.

10. Nat took four slaves to be hired out to Vaughan's for two weeks. When Nat met the men at the trace, what happened?
(a) The slaves were sold.
(b) Nat felt the presence of the Lord.
(c) Nat took the slaves to the revival instead.
(d) The Vaughans didn't need them and sent them back.

11. What does Nat do for the first time the Saturday he and Hark are at market?
(a) Preaches a sermon.
(b) Swear at a white man.
(c) Gain some money toward his freedom.
(d) Makes love to a girl.

12. Who does Nat identify as a white man who was "unconditionally monstrous"?
(a) Mr. Whitehead.
(b) Reverend Eppes.
(c) Thomas Moore.
(d) Nathaniel Francis.

13. In Part 3, Nat compares the slave traders to what?
(a) Scorpions.
(b) Weasels.
(c) Buzzards.
(d) Ants.

14. What did Marse Samuel propose to Nat when they rode together to Jerusalem?
(a) That Marse Samuel would send Nat to secondary school.
(b) That Marse Samuel would put Nat in charge of the mill.
(c) That Marse Samuel would eventually free Nat.
(d) That Marse Samuel would find a wife for Nat.

15. What term does Nat use to describe Hark's marriage to Tiny?
(a) Jumped over the broomstick.
(b) Danced at dawn.
(c) Said three Hail Marys .
(d) Said their vows.

Short Answer Questions

1. Nat sees something on the way back from Jerusalem that has a big effect on him. What is it?

2. Nat remembers a visitor to the Turner household when he was about twelve. What does Nat remember the visitor describing?

3. How did Little Morning determine which jar held molasses?

4. What is camphene?

5. After Nat says his final prayer before beginning the insurrection, what does he do?

(see the answer keys)

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