The Confessions of Nat Turner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Confessions of Nat Turner Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is an insurrection?
(a) A fight.
(b) An uprising.
(c) A peace march.
(d) An agreement.

2. According to Nat's confession, he had originally intended the rebellion to begin on what day?
(a) His master's birthday.
(b) July 1st.
(c) July 4th.
(d) His birthday.

3. What reason does Gray give in his introduction for publishing Nat's confessions?
(a) To create a record for posterity.
(b) To write an abolitionist tract.
(c) For the gratification of public curiosity.
(d) To pay off his debts.

4. Southampton is located in what state?
(a) West Virginia.
(b) Mississippi.
(c) Georgia.
(d) Virginia.

5. Who does Trezevant compare Nat to?
(a) President Andrew Jackson.
(b) The Pope.
(c) Ivan the Terrible.
(d) Attila the Hun.

6. How many of the slaves escaped the insurrection without punishment?
(a) Two.
(b) None.
(c) Seven.
(d) Only one.

7. According to Gray, how many slave uprisings had there been in the area prior to Nat Turner's?
(a) There had been one prior rebellion, also put down.
(b) There had been three prior rebellions.
(c) There had been two prior rebellions.
(d) Nat's rebellion was the first.

8. Who finds Nat and captures him?
(a) Benjamin Armstrong.
(b) Benjamin Phelps.
(c) Benjamin Phipps.
(d) Benjamin Pepper.

9. While in church with Hark, Nat makes plans to gather with other blacks where?
(a) In the alley next to the courthouse.
(b) Near the creek behind the church.
(c) Behind the general store.
(d) At the graveyard.

10. In the introduction, what does Gray state Nat's mind "first became"?
(a) Bewildered and confounded.
(b) Angry and twisted.
(c) Upset and confused.
(d) Sad and depressed.

11. According to Nat's confession, how many people did he kill?
(a) Two.
(b) Ten.
(c) Thirty-Two.
(d) One.

12. What is the nickname T. R. Gray gives to Nat in the "To the Public" section of the book?
(a) Powerful Slave.
(b) Great Bandit.
(c) Insane Instigator.
(d) Black Bandit.

13. What does Gray think should have led the band of slaves to greater efforts?
(a) Anger.
(b) Hope.
(c) Fear.
(d) Desperation.

14. What does Gray feel that Nat's rebellion will further the cause of?
(a) Voting rights for blacks.
(b) Easing restrictions on blacks.
(c) Abolition.
(d) Anti-abolition.

15. What does Gray tell Nat about the Bible, when he cannot bring one to Nat?
(a) It is not ment for Nat.
(b) It is evil.
(c) It is better left alone.
(d) It is a waste of time.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Nat first begin to plan his rebellion?

2. What word did Cobb ask Nat to spell?

3. How does Gray say Nat will be punished?

4. What weapon does Nat carry?

5. What three adjectives does Gray use to describe Nat Turner's mind?

(see the answer keys)

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