Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Test | Final Test - Easy

John Perkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Test | Final Test - Easy

John Perkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Yamin?
(a) The Shah.
(b) A new employee at MAIN.
(c) An angry militant.
(d) A subversive radical.

2. What did the employees of MAIN think sweatshops would do?
(a) Create a system of slavery.
(b) Help make poor people money.
(c) Destroy people's lives.
(d) Provide bad working conditions.

3. What would happen if nations asked the United States to repay their debt?
(a) Nothing would happen.
(b) The United States would collapse.
(c) The United States has no debt.
(d) The United States would pay back the loans.

4. Why did Yamin choose to speak to Perkins?
(a) Perkins spoke many languages.
(b) He was a man in the middle.
(c) Perkins was not religious.
(d) He loved working for MAIN.

5. Why did Perkins write this book?
(a) Out of guilt.
(b) He needed a pay check.
(c) MAIN allowed him to.
(d) Words have power.

6. Who encouraged Perkins to read his resume?
(a) Howard.
(b) Paula.
(c) Doc.
(d) His boss.

7. Where did the United States invade in Chapter 30?
(a) Chilie.
(b) Saudi Arabia.
(c) Panama.
(d) Ecuador.

8. What did Yamin leave under Perkins' door?
(a) A photo.
(b) A letter.
(c) A bribe.
(d) A weapon.

9. In Chapter 17, what did Perkins send to Torrijos?
(a) A priceless gift.
(b) A copy of his article.
(c) A bribe.
(d) A photo of his family.

10. Who is Shakaim Chumpi?
(a) An Ecuadorian and author.
(b) Perkins co-worker.
(c) An Indian guru.
(d) A militant.

11. Why did the United States' government look away from the terrorist activity forming in Saudi Arabia?
(a) Saudi Arabia did not have a terrorist movement.
(b) The United States believed they were too powerful to be attacked.
(c) The United States did not know about the activity.
(d) United States' contracts were bringing in money to America.

12. How much of Ecuador's budget went to paying off debts?
(a) Twenty percent.
(b) Ninety percent.
(c) One hundrerd percent.
(d) Fifty percent.

13. What natural resource was important to the Middle East?
(a) Water.
(b) Wood.
(c) Coal.
(d) Wind.

14. What did Panama receive at the end of Chapter 17?
(a) An increase in tourism.
(b) A national park.
(c) The canal.
(d) A payment from MAIN.

15. With whom was Amoco negotiating oil drilling rights?
(a) Texas.
(b) Bahrain.
(c) Saudi Arabia.
(d) Columbia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of soldiers does Perkins say the United States fights with in Chapter 30?

2. What did Perkin's article, "Colonialism in Panama has No Place in 1975," suggest that Panama receive?

3. What event happened at the end of Chapter 31?

4. What movement did Saudi Arabia begin to fund?

5. What did Doc say the new government's response to Perkins and MAIN would be?

(see the answer keys)

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