Confessions of a Mask Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of a Mask Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the school, who knows why Omi has been expelled?
(a) The janitor.
(b) The narrator.
(c) The teachers.
(d) Omi's brother.

2. On what day do the boys at school have to dress in naval attire?
(a) The fourth of July.
(b) Veterans Day.
(c) May Day.
(d) Ceremonial Day.

3. Why does the narrator masturbate in class?
(a) He does it on a dare.
(b) He wants to get expelled.
(c) He is bored.
(d) He is attracted to his teacher.

4. From what illness does the narrator suffer?
(a) Epilepsy.
(b) Small pox.
(c) Autointoxication.
(d) Yellow fever.

5. What does the narrator do to celebrate his admiration for the female magician?
(a) Writes her a love poem.
(b) Dresses up as her.
(c) Sings her a song.
(d) Sends her roses.

6. What do the schoolboys call the graphic game they play with each other?
(a) Hat grab.
(b) Dirty.
(c) Hoops.
(d) Sucker punch.

7. What type of stories does the narrator like to read as a child?
(a) Non-fiction.
(b) Romance novels.
(c) Science fiction.
(d) Fantasy.

8. What subject is the narrator fascinated with as a child?
(a) Health.
(b) Politics.
(c) Math.
(d) Death.

9. What does the narrator fantasize about after his meeting with Omi in the school yard?
(a) Seeing him naked.
(b) To get good grades.
(c) For Omi to punch him.
(d) Killing Omi.

10. Over the summer, why does the narrator suddenly feel close to Omi?
(a) He grows underarm hair.
(b) He sees a boy who looks like Omi.
(c) His mother mentions Omi.
(d) There is an article in the paper about Omi.

11. What does Reni's "Saint Sebastian" cause the narrator to do for the first time?
(a) Pleasure himself.
(b) Pick up a paint brush.
(c) Run away from home.
(d) Read the Bible.

12. In the first attempt to execute Sebastian, what weapon was used?
(a) The guillotine.
(b) Guns.
(c) Poison darts.
(d) Arrows.

13. How does the school announce Omi's expulsion?
(a) A posted notice.
(b) At an assembly.
(c) They do not reveal his expulsion.
(d) A PA announcement.

14. What position do most of the boys at school volunteer for during the war?
(a) War warriors.
(b) Special cadet.
(c) Special forces.
(d) Junior leagues.

15. Upon Omi's expulsion, the narrator feels Omi has been what?
(a) Stupid.
(b) Martyred.
(c) Targeted.
(d) Careless.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator believe he must hide from others?

2. What photograph is the narrator obsessed with as a child?

3. What does the narrator do to please his inner demons?

4. On what popular playground toy do Omi and the narrator battle?

5. How old is the narrator when he is first attracted to another man?

(see the answer keys)

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