Conditional Citizens Test | Final Test - Easy

Laila Lalami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Conditional Citizens Test | Final Test - Easy

Laila Lalami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much was Lalami's first apartment in Los Angeles, which she describes at the start of "Caste"?
(a) $2500/month.
(b) $150/month.
(c) $950/month.
(d) $450/month.

2. How old was Lalami's daughter when they moved to Casablanca where she could learn to speak Arab?
(a) 3.
(b) 9.
(c) 16.
(d) 13.

3. What are some things about gender roles that Lalami says she learned in school?
(a) Women should be rulers of their home.
(b) Women should dress modestly and submit to their husbands.
(c) Women and men were considered equal at that time.
(d) Women should manage finances and take care of the children.

4. What was Lalami required to do at home as an adolescent which her brother was not?
(a) Make small household repairs.
(b) Run errands.
(c) Clean.
(d) Do yard work.

5. Which 1790 act described in "Tribe," limited citizenship to "free white persons" (103)?
(a) The Immigration Act.
(b) The Naturalization Act.
(c) The Free White Persons Act.
(d) The Citizenship Act.

6. Lalami states that Trump's Muslim ban was another another attempt to maintain what?
(a) The English language.
(b) White male privilege.
(c) White demographic dominance.
(d) World power.

7. What words does Lalami use to describe Brett Kavanaugh's testimony?
(a) Emotionless and arrogant.
(b) Honest and compelling.
(c) Intelligent and convincing.
(d) Emotional and uncooperative.

8. How long after Ford's testimony was Kavanaugh sworn in?
(a) 9 days.
(b) 1 year.
(c) His nomination was revoked.
(d) 3 months.

9. According to Lalami in "Tribe," Blacks are disproportionately denied mortgage loans compared to their white counterparts despite what act?
(a) The Equitable Homes Act.
(b) The Equal Access Act.
(c) The Homestead Act.
(d) The Fair Housing Act.

10. According to the beginning of "Do Not Despair This Country," who claimed "all men are created equal" (160)?
(a) Thomas Jefferson.
(b) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(c) Abraham Lincoln.
(d) George Washington.

11. In "Caste," what does Lalami say about women and silence?
(a) Women are encouraged to speak up and speak out.
(b) Silence is considered a natural condition of women.
(c) The feminist movement put an end to the history of silencing women.
(d) Silent women are looked upon with suspicion.

12. What event occurred while Lalami lived in Koreatown which made her feel closer to her neighbors?
(a) A wild fire.
(b) An earthquake.
(c) A pandemic.
(d) A drought.

13. In "Do Not Despair This Country," who does Lalami say voting rights should be extended to in the U.S.?
(a) Prisoners and those with felony records.
(b) Dual citizens.
(c) Undocumented immigrants.
(d) People under 18.

14. What Jefferson quote does Lalami note at the end of "Do Not Despair This Country"?
(a) "Institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times."
(b) “It is better to be alone than in bad company."
(c) "I do not despair of this country."
(d) "All men are created equal."

15. What is something Lalami says all citizens should have access to at the end of "Do Not Despair This Country"?
(a) A living wage.
(b) A furnished home.
(c) A travel stipend.
(d) A nice car.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which Amendment, passed in 1868, gave Blacks citizenship status?

2. What job does Lalami discuss in "Inheritance" which she got right after grad school?

3. What did the Bush administration claim about John McCain in 2000 which lost him the vote in South Carolina?

4. What does Lalami say about Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett at the end of "Caste"?

5. Why does Lalami suspect her daughter quickly gave up speaking Arabic when they returned to the United States?

(see the answer keys)

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