Complete Works: Essays, Travel Journal, Letters Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Complete Works: Essays, Travel Journal, Letters Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Montaigne end the journeys that he describes in his travel journal?

2. Book 3 of Essays contains how many essays?

3. The first part of Montaigne's journal was actually written by whom?

4. Which ancient Greek philosopher had a great affect on Montaigne?

5. Montaigne's model for the rhetoric in his work is best described as what?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to the note at the beginning of Book 3 of Essays: Chapter 12, why is the editor interested in Montaigne's travel journals?

2. What are Montaigne's influences in his "Apology to Raymond Sebond"?

3. How does Montaigne says that personal character is related to repentance?

4. What was Montaigne's general attitude towards women?

5. Why does Montaigne admire Cato?

6. What are some of the powers that Roman baths are reputed to have?

7. Why did Montaigne write his travel journals?

8. Describe the course of Montaigne's journey described in Travel Journal: Chapter 15.

9. Describe the changes in languages that Montaigne encounters during the travels discussed in Travel Journal: Chapter 13?

10. What does Montaigne say about the differences in the desires of men and women?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Montaigne is interested in the subject of Christian apologetics (or apologists), the rational defense and explanation of the faith. He discusses Sebond's apologetic work at great length, and extends many supporting arguments for it in addition to his own original thesis.

1) Explain the subject of apologetics and its importance, according to Montaigne.

2) Summarize Montaigne's most important opinions and ideas on the subject of Christian apologetics.

3) Discuss the importance of this philosophical field in the context of the religious conflict of Montaigne's era.

Essay Topic 2

Montaigne regards lying to be a major vice, but one which he makes a minor exception for in certain cases. He discusses this vice in detail, describing some ways that it causes problems for those who indulge in it, and discussing ways that lies can be discovered.

1) Describe Montaigne's opinion about the acceptability of lying. Does he believe it is a vice in all cases? Does Montaigne believe that some lies are morally acceptable, or even desirable?

2) Discuss the negative effects that Montaigne says lying has on those who compulsively or frequently lie.

3) Explain the strategies that Montaigne recommends for identifying and uncovering lies.

Essay Topic 3

The city of Rome in Montaigne's time was exceptionally large and popular as a destination for pilgrims and travelers like Montaigne, who writes at length about the great city.

1) Explain Rome's importance in medieval Europe as a center for religion, commerce, and travel.

2) Discuss Montaigne's expectations for Rome, and the reasons he had for going there. What sites did Montaigne look forward to seeing, and what do these interests say about the culture of the time?

3) Describe the city as shown in Montaigne's journals. How did it match or differ from his expectations, and in what major ways was he disappointed or surprised? Make an assessment of the nature of the city as a whole.

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