Common Sense, Rights of Man, and Other Essential Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Common Sense, Rights of Man, and Other Essential Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Paine originally view Burke, before he denounced the French Revolution?
(a) As a possible ally.
(b) As an enemy.
(c) As a possible threat.
(d) As an ally.

2. How many total pages is Burke's denouncement of the French Revolution?
(a) Six hundred and forty three.
(b) Three hundred and fifty six.
(c) Five hundred and thirty four.
(d) Four hundred and sixty five.

3. As Paine states in The Crisis, what word should never replace the word "Christian"?
(a) Liar.
(b) Imposter.
(c) Thief.
(d) Bigot.

4. How long would news take to travel from England to America if the two countries were to reconcile at this point?
(a) Four or five weeks.
(b) Four or five months.
(c) Two or three months.
(d) Two or three weeks.

5. What does Paine believe would end government through hereditary?
(a) Having each king only serve for five years.
(b) Having each king elected.
(c) Having each king only serve for ten years.
(d) Having each king only serve two terms.

6. In the Introduction, what does Paine state about the thoughts of the book?
(a) They are popular for all of the country.
(b) They may not be popular.
(c) They may have been popular at an earlier date.
(d) They are popular for half of the country.

7. How does Paine describe Burke's descriptions of the French during the Revolution?
(a) Disturbing and predictable.
(b) Vulgar and predictable.
(c) Disturbing, vulgar, and predictable.
(d) Disturbing and vulgar.

8. What replaced hopelessness during a long battle, as Paine recounts?
(a) Intelligence.
(b) Boldness.
(c) Fear.
(d) Vigor.

9. What concerns Paine about how Burke's pamphlet is published?
(a) The incorrect order of pages.
(b) The translation.
(c) The small print.
(d) The colors used.

10. What does a strong government assure against?
(a) Civil war and poverty.
(b) Civil war, poverty, and treason.
(c) Poverty, but not civil war or treason.
(d) Civil war, but not poverty.

11. Whose sermon given to celebrate the anniversary of the English Revolution does Burke misrepresent?
(a) James Mackintosh.
(b) Joseph Priestley.
(c) Richard Price.
(d) Daniel Conway.

12. When did the English Revolution take place?
(a) 1697.
(b) 1688.
(c) 1678.
(d) 1698.

13. What does Paine attribute his literary career to?
(a) The revolution, his dedication to independence, and the will of the American people.
(b) Only his dedication to independence.
(c) Only the revolution.
(d) The revolution and his dedication to independence.

14. What are the rumors about the reason behind Burke's pamphlet?
(a) He did it out of loyalty for his country.
(b) He did it for financial reasons.
(c) He did it out of hatred for other countries.
(d) He did it to receive notoriety.

15. What does Howe support that draws Paine's criticism?
(a) The theft of American money.
(b) The counterfeiting of American money.
(c) The decreasing costs of American products.
(d) The rising costs of American products.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Paine describe Burke's analysis of France?

2. How many days before the taking of the Bastille did Marquis de La Fayette make a speech?

3. When was the law invented that took the freedom away from the English subjects?

4. According to Paine, which governments must unite to lead by example in order to ensure liberty worldwide?

5. Why does the monarchy no longer work in Paine's opinion?

(see the answer keys)

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