Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Test | Final Test - Medium

Rhoda Blumberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Test | Final Test - Medium

Rhoda Blumberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to the samurai class?
(a) It was elevated to noble status.
(b) The samurai were ordered to commit suicide.
(c) It was ended.
(d) It was allowed to continue but only with ceremonial status.

2. What happened on April 10, 1854?
(a) Commodore Perry was presented with a solid gold etching.
(b) Commodore Perry turned 40.
(c) Commodore Perry turned 70.
(d) Commodore Perry turned 60.

3. To what did the Japanese invite the Americans after the treaty signing?
(a) A tour of Edo.
(b) A speech by the Emperor.
(c) A banquet.
(d) The ritual suicide of the Japanese negotiators.

4. What did the Japanese say they would give to the American ships?
(a) Coal, wood, water and other supplies.
(b) They would give them nothing.
(c) A tour of Edo before the Americans left.
(d) A reasonable time to leave Japanese waters.

5. Who did Perry see still approaching Japan?
(a) The Russians and French.
(b) The British and French.
(c) The Germans.
(d) The Italian.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Perry decide to move forward with plans to return to Japan?

2. What is one thing the treaty called for?

3. Where were some members of the squadron permitted to walk?

4. What was one thing that was excellent about Shimoda?

5. Why did Commodore Perry bring many gifts on his ships?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the behaviors of the Shimoda villagers change and what was the result?

2. What sort of gifts did the Americans give the higher ranked Japanese?

3. What gifts most fascinated the Japanese?

4. When did Kayama meet with the fleet and what did he tell them?

5. When was the Treaty House completed and what did Commodore Perry demand that they change?

6. What Japanese awaited Perry and his staff?

7. What was Hokkaido like and how did the first contact with them go for the Americans?

8. What horrified the Japanese about the Americans at the banquet, but how did the Japanese behave anyway?

9. Who was Sam Patch and why was he terrified? What happened?

10. Describe the exchange between Perry and the Japanese about shipwrecked sailors.

(see the answer keys)

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