Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Test | Final Test - Easy

Rhoda Blumberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun Test | Final Test - Easy

Rhoda Blumberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Perry see still approaching Japan?
(a) The Italian.
(b) The British and French.
(c) The Russians and French.
(d) The Germans.

2. What did the Japanese promise about American ships wrecked off Japan's coast?
(a) Nothing was said about that.
(b) They would leave them be.
(c) Help and protection.
(d) The money from the salvage of the ships would be turned over to the American owners.

3. What did the Americans play when they reached the shore?
(a) America the Beautiful.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Hail to the Emperor.
(d) The Star Spangled Banner.

4. What would the Japanese officers give American ships?
(a) Navigation advice.
(b) Coal, water and general necessities.
(c) Aid in obtaining trade agreements.
(d) Help in rebuilding wrecked ships.

5. What was one thing that amazed the botantist Morrow?
(a) The Japanese irrigation system.
(b) The size of the Japanese apples.
(c) The number of hybrid plants the Japanese had developed.
(d) The size of the Japanese grapes.

6. What did the Japanese say they would give to the American ships?
(a) They would give them nothing.
(b) A reasonable time to leave Japanese waters.
(c) A tour of Edo before the Americans left.
(d) Coal, wood, water and other supplies.

7. Where did Commodore Perry and the Japanese decide that the Americans could land?
(a) Harboro.
(b) Fukuri.
(c) Nagasaki.
(d) Kanagawa.

8. When did the Japanese say they would open a harbor?
(a) In five years.
(b) In fifteen years.
(c) Next year.
(d) Never.

9. What was Perry concerned about regarding the Shogun?
(a) His death would bring in a new, more repressive Shogun.
(b) His death would cause too much instability for profitable trade.
(c) He would be ready for Commodore Perry's arrival next time with more soldiers.
(d) His death would Commodore Perry from returning.

10. What did the Americans do that really impressed the Japanese?
(a) Bow back to the Japanese.
(b) A 21-gun salute to the Emperor.
(c) Stand at parade rest for ten hours each day.
(d) March in perfect formation and conduct military drill.

11. To what did the Japanese invite the Americans after the treaty signing?
(a) A speech by the Emperor.
(b) A banquet.
(c) The ritual suicide of the Japanese negotiators.
(d) A tour of Edo.

12. What did the Sumo wrestlers do to demonstrate their strength?
(a) Lifted a ship's anchor.
(b) Lifted kegs of American whiskey.
(c) Cracked huge blocks of stone.
(d) Lifted huge bales of rice.

13. With what were the Americans who accepted the invitation impressed about the Japanese?
(a) The incredible pagoda style buildings in Edo.
(b) The gentleness the Emperor showed.
(c) The lack of fear the men who commited suicide showed.
(d) The courtesy and politeness of their hosts.

14. What did the Emperor do after 1872?
(a) Wore western clothing.
(b) Had American advisers.
(c) Visited the United States.
(d) Took an American wife.

15. Of what was Sam Patch afraid?
(a) He would be asked to row to the mainland and be attacked.
(b) He would make an error in protocol.
(c) Banishment.
(d) He would cook something displeasing to the Japanese guests.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was one thing that was excellent about Shimoda?

2. When did the Japanese and Commodore Perry sign a treaty?

3. What did the people of Shimoda do for the American sailors?

4. What stuck the Americans about the Japanese?

5. When did Perry arrive back in Japan for his second visit?

(see the answer keys)

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