Commodore Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

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Commodore Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Braun plan to do at the dinner with Wychwood?
(a) Assassinate the Czar.
(b) Blackmail the Prince.
(c) Kidnap the Queen.
(d) Challenge the King to a duel.

2. How many ships does Hornblower put on nigh time alert at Riga?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 4.

3. How does Braun react when Hornblower asks him to go to dinner with him and Wychwood?
(a) He seems overly-excited.
(b) He has a flash of defiant anger.
(c) He acts very awkwardly.
(d) He has no reaction whatsoever.

4. What prevents Hornblower's flotilla from entering the dock at the destination after the ball?
(a) A reef.
(b) A sandbar.
(c) A net.
(d) A giant boom.

5. What causes Hornblower to be homesick while he is at Riga?
(a) A letter from Barbara.
(b) The sight of a family in Riga.
(c) A friend's death.
(d) A dream.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Hornblower's crew go to celebrate the victory over the Blanchefleur?

2. Where is Hornblower supposed to escort Wychwood to?

3. What impresses the surprise visitor about Hornblower's ship?

4. Who is Wychwood supposed to meet?

5. Who is Hornblower worried will not approve of his actions?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Braun try to do at the dinner and how is he stopped?

2. What does Hornblower see on the coast of Riga, and how does he know what they are?

3. How does Hornblower treat his surprise visitor the day after the ball, and how is this treatment received?

4. What does Hornblower talk about when a pilot comes to take him on shore at Riga?

5. What does Wychwood bring back from his diplomatic mission?

6. What does Hornblower notice about the siege work of the French at Riga?

7. What does Cole do at Riga that is looked down on by Hornblower?

8. What does Hornblower do to get his bomb ketches in on the action at Riga?

9. Where does Hornblower decide to take his flotilla after his surprise visitor leaves?

10. What do the bomb ketches do to help the defenses at Riga when they are made useful?

(see the answer keys)

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