Commodore Hornblower Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Commodore Hornblower Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of ship is the Clam?
(a) Cutter.
(b) Sloop.
(c) Frigate.
(d) Bomb Ketch.

2. What is the name of Hornblower's first mate?
(a) Brigg.
(b) Barnes.
(c) Bush.
(d) Burge.

3. What does Barbara talk about while she is riding in a carriage with her husband before he departs?
(a) The preparations she has made.
(b) Her worries that he will not return.
(c) His son.
(d) Her plans during his absence.

4. What does Hornblower do in his room after receiving his orders from Richard Wellesley?
(a) Paces the floor.
(b) Drinks.
(c) Writes to his wife.
(d) Cleans his guns.

5. How does Hornblower dress his first morning on the ship?
(a) His fine suit.
(b) Full uniform.
(c) A simple enlisted Naval uniform.
(d) His new Commodore's uniform.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sends Hornblower a message shortly after he is introduced to the town?

2. How many guns are on the Nonsuch?

3. What is the weather like when Hornblower departs?

4. What did Barbara give to Hornblower as a going away gift?

5. What title does Hornblower hold when he is on land at the beginning of this book?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Hornblower and his wife spend their last few moments together before Hornblower leaves?

2. What is the peculiar practice that Hornblower and his wife do while he is on shore? Why is this considered peculiar for the time period of this book?

3. What does Hornblower learn about his mission when he gets to London?

4. What does the flotilla do when they are fired on by the Danish forces in the Sound?

5. How is the Blanchefleur destroyed?

6. What happens just before Hornblower goes to bed after hearing details about his mission?

7. In what order does Hornblower arrange the flotilla before entering the Sound, and why?

8. What is Hornblower doing when he sees the sail of the Maggie Jones in the distance?

9. What does Hornblower do to keep his crew calm before entering the Sound?

10. How do Hornblower and his wife feel about the news Hornblower receives after he is introduced to the city he is a Squire over?

(see the answer keys)

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