Commodore Hornblower Test | Final Test - Easy

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Commodore Hornblower Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What time of day does Hornblower enter the dock at his destination after the ball?
(a) Sunrise.
(b) Noon.
(c) Sunset.
(d) Midnight.

2. Who is Wychwood supposed to meet?
(a) The Queen of England.
(b) The Prince of France.
(c) The Russian Czar.
(d) The King of Spain.

3. Where is Hornblower sent after Wychwood's diplomatic trip?
(a) London.
(b) St. Petersburg.
(c) Frankfort.
(d) Riga.

4. How does Braun react when Hornblower asks him to go to dinner with him and Wychwood?
(a) He has a flash of defiant anger.
(b) He has no reaction whatsoever.
(c) He acts very awkwardly.
(d) He seems overly-excited.

5. What city does the French capture while Hornblower is at Riga?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Konigsburg.
(c) St. Petersburg.
(d) Serbia.

6. Where is Braun sent after he is stopped from his plan at the dinner by Hornblower?
(a) Finland.
(b) Prison.
(c) The Brig.
(d) England.

7. What does Hornblower do after the dinner with Wychwood?
(a) Makes love to Miss Canerine.
(b) Sneaks back to his ship.
(c) Falls asleep in the dining room.
(d) Punishes Braun.

8. What flatters Hornblower most about being at the dinner with Wychwood?
(a) The attentions of Miss Canerine.
(b) Having his military accomplishments read.
(c) Being paired up with a Duchess for the night.
(d) Being personally addressed by the Czar.

9. Who is worried about Hornblower's treatment of his surprise visitor the day after the ball?
(a) Wychwood.
(b) Briggs.
(c) Bush.
(d) Braun.

10. Where does Hornblower's crew go to celebrate the victory over the Blanchefleur?
(a) On shore.
(b) The captain's cabin.
(c) Hornblower's mess.
(d) The main deck.

11. Who is the young man who is ignored at the dinner with Wychwood?
(a) Alexander.
(b) Allan.
(c) Alexi.
(d) Alec.

12. What prevents Hornblower's flotilla from entering the dock at the destination after the ball?
(a) A reef.
(b) A giant boom.
(c) A net.
(d) A sandbar.

13. What impresses the surprise visitor about Hornblower's ship?
(a) The military strategy.
(b) The cramped spaces and happy men.
(c) The luxurious cabins.
(d) The cleanliness.

14. What weapon does Hornblower use to stop Braun from executing his plan at the dinner with Wychwood?
(a) Knife.
(b) Rifle.
(c) Pistol.
(d) Sword.

15. What does Wychwood bring back from his diplomatic mission?
(a) Supplies.
(b) Orders.
(c) Dispatches.
(d) News.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to visit Hornblower's ship under a different name the day after the ball?

2. What does Hornblower hear as he discusses the impossibility of war?

3. Which ships does Hornblower designate as the escape vessels at the blocked dock?

4. What causes Hornblower to use poor judgment at the dinner with Wychwood?

5. Where does Hornblower decide to go the day after the ball?

(see the answer keys)

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