Coming of Age in Mississippi Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Moody
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Coming of Age in Mississippi Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Moody
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Anne nervous about playing for the basketball team?
(a) She has never played at such a high level.
(b) She thinks she is too fat.
(c) She has only has old sports clothes.
(d) She is shorter than the other girls.

2. With what does the drunken white man threaten the students?
(a) A knife
(b) A cane
(c) A gun
(d) A brick

3. Why does Anne only stay in New Orleans for a few days?
(a) She has to go on another demonstration.
(b) She wants to see her mother.
(c) It is becoming violent.
(d) She has no money.

4. How does Anne encourage blacks to vote?
(a) She gives out free cookies and lemonade.
(b) She runs for election herself.
(c) She cries during a speech.
(d) She produces an anti-racist documentary.

5. Who hails Anne from the bus?
(a) Dave Jones
(b) Bob Moses
(c) Mr. Chinn
(d) Mrs. Chinn

6. What is the name of Anne's father's partner?
(a) Joanne
(b) Norbert
(c) Emma
(d) Lily

7. Which part of Emma's body has been blown off?
(a) Her leg
(b) Her foot
(c) Her hand
(d) Her ear

8. Who turns Anne away?
(a) Uncle George Lee
(b) Grandma Winnie
(c) Mama
(d) Emma

9. In what state is Natchez College located?
(a) St. Loius
(b) Washington
(c) Texas
(d) Mississippi

10. Where are the students gathered at the beginning of the chapter?
(a) The town clock
(b) A church
(c) The town square
(d) The town hall

11. What does Anne receive for the first time?
(a) Her paycheck
(b) Her first commission
(c) Her first birthday card
(d) A rifle

12. Who is Mr Chinn walking with in this chapter?
(a) A chain gang
(b) The riot police
(c) A dog
(d) The Ku Klux Klan

13. Who is Anne surprised to see at her graduation ceremony?
(a) Her gramdmother
(b) Her brother
(c) Her mother
(d) Her father

14. With what does Keemp impress Anne?
(a) His passion
(b) His humor
(c) His basketball skills
(d) His conversation

15. What does Anne learn after she buys the new clothes for the girls?
(a) The two girls are white.
(b) A shipment of clothes will be arriving.
(c) The two girls are rich.
(d) Her father has had an accident.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Anne's new basketball coach?

2. What song do the people on the bus sing?

3. Mama insists that Anne stays away from ______________.

4. Where does the NAACP hold a convention on this chapter?

5. What does Adline buy Anne in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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