Coming of Age in the Milky Way Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Coming of Age in the Milky Way Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Scientists were able to confirm that the same elements found in the sun were also present where?
(a) In other galaxies.
(b) In humans.
(c) In the earth.
(d) In the stars.

2. Who wrote in fourth century BC that "to consider the earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field sown with millet only one grain will grow"?
(a) John Harrison.
(b) Emanuel Kant.
(c) Metrodorus.
(d) Aristotle.

3. In the world of quantum physics, there are two categories of particles: particles with fractional spin called fermions and those of integer spin, called what?
(a) Bosons.
(b) Leptons.
(c) Nuclei.
(d) Micrometers.

4. What refers to one of the extremely small constituents of matter, as an atom or nucleus?
(a) Particle.
(b) Retrograde motion.
(c) Micrometer.
(d) Parallax.

5. The subject of a universe of galaxies emerged again when Johann Lambert was appointed where?
(a) The Berlin Academy of Sciences.
(b) Harvard University.
(c) Oxford University.
(d) The University of Paris.

6. In the world of quantum physics, fermions comprise matter and bosons convey what?
(a) Dark matter.
(b) Force.
(c) Mass.
(d) Radiology.

7. William Herschel became most famous for the discovery of which planet?
(a) Mars.
(b) Pluto.
(c) Uranus.
(d) Venus.

8. What theorized that the spiral and elliptical nebulae were clouds of gas that were forming new stars?
(a) The Tychonic system.
(b) Quantum mechanics.
(c) The "nebular hypothesis."
(d) The "island universe."

9. According to the author in Chapter 19, what has shown that the same matter and elements exist everywhere?
(a) Quantum physics.
(b) Black holes.
(c) Astrophysics.
(d) Darwinian evolution.

10. When was René Descartes born?
(a) 1638.
(b) 1795.
(c) 1596.
(d) 1895.

11. What is the religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being, most often referring to the Abrahamic God?
(a) Asceticism.
(b) Creationism.
(c) Triangulation.
(d) Heliocentricism.

12. Which astronomer discovered that some nebulae had spiral structures?
(a) Tycho Brahe.
(b) James Keeler.
(c) William Parsons.
(d) John Calvin.

13. What German mathematician provided evidence that every conservation law is based on symmetry?
(a) William Parsons.
(b) Jean Richer.
(c) Albert Einstein.
(d) Emmy Noether.

14. William Herschel first became interested in nebulae when he read books by stargazers James Ferguson and whom?
(a) Captain James Cook.
(b) Tycho Brahe.
(c) Rene Descartes.
(d) Robert Smith.

15. Who worked under George Hale, director of the Mount Wilson Observatory, as described by the author in Chapter 9?
(a) Harlow Shapley.
(b) Emanuel Kant.
(c) Jean Richer.
(d) Mikolai Kopernik.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first premise of "On the Origin of Species"?

2. What was the name of Charles Darwin's grandfather who had written the book, "Zoonomia"?

3. In what year did Charles Darwin theorize that the Dangerous Archipelago was once a series of volcanoes?

4. In the latter part of the 20th century, man began to abandon what in favor of actual exploration?

5. The inflation hypothesis was first conceptualized by what American physicist?

(see the answer keys)

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