The Comedy of Errors Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedy of Errors Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Act 3, Scene 1, what does Antipholus of Ephesus ask Angelo to get for him to give to another woman in order to spite his wife?
(a) A crown.
(b) A ring.
(c) A chain.
(d) A rope.

2. What sum of money does Antipholus of Syracuse mention in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) 1,000 marks of gold.
(b) 200 marks of bronze.
(c) 500 pounds of silver.
(d) 300 pounds of gold.

3. Who asks, "Why should their liberty than ours be more"?
(a) Dromio of Ephesus.
(b) Adriana.
(c) Antipholus of Syracuse.
(d) Luciana.

4. Who says, "Fie, brother! how the world is changed with you!"?
(a) Luciana.
(b) Adriana.
(c) Dromio of Syracuse.
(d) Angelo.

5. During their conversation in Act 3, Scene 1, what does Balthazar tell Antipholus of Ephesus he is more pleased with than the prospect of food?
(a) The company of women.
(b) His money.
(c) Antipholus' welcome.
(d) Good conversation.

6. Who is the first to tell Antipholus of Ephesus and his men that they cannot enter the house in Act 3, Scene 1?
(a) Dromio of Syracuse.
(b) Adriana.
(c) Luce.
(d) Luciana.

7. What caused Egeon and his family to abandon the ship carrying them home according to his story in Act 1, Scene 1?
(a) The crew had become sick.
(b) Bad weather.
(c) They were made to abandon ship by the crew.
(d) An attack.

8. Who calls out to Antipholus of Ephesus' servants to let them inside the house in Act 3, Scene 1?
(a) Balthazar.
(b) Angelo.
(c) Dromio of Ephesus.
(d) Dromio of Syracuse.

9. What profession does Egeon tell the Duke he once had?
(a) A merchant.
(b) A jeweler.
(c) A goldsmith.
(d) A tavern owner.

10. Who is the first to enter the scene during Adriana and Luciana's conversation at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Dromio of Ephesus.
(b) Antipholus of Ephesus.
(c) Antipholus of Syracuse.
(d) Dromio of Syracuse.

11. Finish the sentence: "So that my errand, due unto my tongue, I thank him, I bare home upon my ________."
(a) Shoulders.
(b) Soul.
(c) Heart.
(d) Head.

12. Where does the First Merchant tell Antipholus of Syracuse he should pretend to be from at the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) Greece.
(b) Corinth.
(c) Africa.
(d) Epidamnum.

13. What does the Duke offer Egeon at the end of Act 1, Scene 1?
(a) To let him go into the city and borrow money for his ransom.
(b) To let him go for nothing.
(c) To let him go in exchange for his labor.
(d) To not make him pay a ransom.

14. Where does Act 2, Scene 1 take place?
(a) The Porpentine.
(b) The Tiger.
(c) A market.
(d) Antipholus of Ephesus' house.

15. In what way do Egeon and his family try and keep themselves on the ship?
(a) Offer money.
(b) Went underboard.
(c) Hid under the life rafts.
(d) Tied themselves to the mast.

Short Answer Questions

1. Finish the sentence: "And he will bless that cross with other beating: between you I shall have a holy _____."

2. When does Egeon have to pay his ransom by to avoid execution?

3. What does Antipholus of Syracuse tell the First Merchant he is going to do to pass his time at the end of their conversation in Act 1, Scene 2?

4. What does the Duke tell Egeon he can do "to make up the sum" of his ransom?

5. Who says, "The plainer dealer, the sooner lost: yet he loseth it in a kind of jollity"?

(see the answer keys)

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