Come Back, Little Sheba Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Come Back, Little Sheba Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Marie suggest she and Bruce have dinner?
(a) At a cafe.
(b) At Olive Garden.
(c) At the Brown Derby.
(d) At Doc and Lola's house.

2. What does Lola want to do today?
(a) Stay home.
(b) Go out to lunch.
(c) Go shopping.
(d) Sleep all day.

3. What was Turk doing when Lola saw him last night?
(a) Throwing a javelin.
(b) Drinking beer.
(c) Buying groceries.
(d) Riding a unicorn.

4. What does Lola tell Bruce?
(a) Marie has been sleeping with Turk.
(b) She has already prepared dinner.
(c) Doc is in love with Marie.
(d) She thinks he should marry Marie.

5. To whom does Lola make a phone call?
(a) Turk.
(b) Mrs. Coffman.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Ed Anderson.

6. What does Lola fix for Doc?
(a) Brunch.
(b) Breakfast.
(c) A Bloody Mary.
(d) Sandwiches.

7. What type of flowers has Lola used for a floral arrangement?
(a) Sweet peas.
(b) Mixed blooms.
(c) Lilacs.
(d) Roses.

8. Why does Doc get angry at Lola?
(a) She is having an affair.
(b) She has wrecked the car.
(c) She questions him about where he has been.
(d) She has bounced checks again.

9. What do Marie and Bruce plan to do before flying to Cincinnati?
(a) Go shopping.
(b) Go to dinner.
(c) Buy wedding bands.
(d) Get a marriage license.

10. To whom does Lola make a phone call?
(a) Mrs. Coffman.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Ed Anderson.
(d) Turk.

11. What does Doc tell Lola she can no longer use?
(a) The lawn mower.
(b) The car.
(c) His mother's china.
(d) His razor.

12. What does Doc do after sneaking into the house?
(a) Kisses Lola.
(b) Changes clothes.
(c) Puts the whiskey bottle bac.
(d) Goes to bed.

13. What decision does Lola make at the end of her dream?
(a) Not to call for Little Sheba anymore.
(b) Not to take in any more boarders.
(c) Not to visit with Mrs. Coffman anymore.
(d) Not to flirt with the milkman anymore.

14. What does Lola ask Ed Anderson to do?
(a) Come for dinner.
(b) Come over to her house.
(c) Loan her some money.
(d) Give her a ride.

15. Why does Lola decide not to help Little Sheba in her dream?
(a) She knows that is not really Little Sheba.
(b) She is told she must move on.
(c) She knows Little Sheba is dead.
(d) She wakes up before she can help Little Sheba.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lola realize about Doc this morning?

2. Where did Lola sleep the night before?

3. Lola makes the evening special by _________________________.

4. What does Doc beg of Lola?

5. What does Marie announce when she returns to the house?

(see the answer keys)

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