Columbine Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Cullen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Columbine Test | Final Test - Medium

Dave Cullen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What advice did Brad and Misty get when they discovered the letters in Cassie's room that spoke of sex and violence?
(a) To put Cassie in a hospital.
(b) To take it to the police.
(c) To get tough.
(d) To ignore them.

2. Why did Dylan and Eric decide to simply walk into the lunch room with the bombs?
(a) They actually hid them the previous night.
(b) They hoped seeing the bags would send kids running outside.
(c) They couldn't figure out an alternative.
(d) They hoped someone would stop them.

3. What was the item Brooks and his friend had "taken hostage" after Eric dented the trunk of one car and broke the windshield of another?
(a) A term paper.
(b) A laptop.
(c) A set of keys.
(d) A backpack.

4. What did Val say was the most difficult part of the healing process?
(a) Forgiving them for totally destroying her senior year.
(b) Forgiving them for scarring her body.
(c) Forgiving them for shooting her friend, Lauren.
(d) Forgiving others for not stopping Dylan and Eric.

5. How long did it take Fuselier to read Eric's diary for the first time?
(a) Three or four days.
(b) About three hours.
(c) Almost an entire day.
(d) About an hour.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why were there two hundred doves released at the service dedicating the memorial?

2. Which of the following was not on Dylan's list of "pros" as he listed them two years prior to the shooting?

3. What was the Biblical quote Brian Rohrbrough included on his memorial to Patrick?

4. What did people think when Val's story came out of proclaiming her faith in the face of a shotgun?

5. What did the author say was extraordinary about the extra edition of the Rocky Mountain News that was on the street before the bodies in the library had even been found?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the situation with gun clips that almost clued Eric's father in to the fact of Eric's gun possession?

2. What did some students believe to be a major problem with the way Mr. DeAngelo ran the school?

3. Describe the story Dylan had written for a creative writing assignment, where he got his information, and the reaction of his teacher.

4. Why did the kids begin referring to the "Columbine Curse?"

5. What did Fuselier say about the dyad?

6. What did Patrick come to realize about architecture school and why? What were his alternate plans?

7. What was the discrepancy between what Frank DeAngelo remembered about the first moments of the shooting and what his secretary remembered, and how did the author explain the difference?

8. What did the classmate who accompanied Eric to his first Homecoming at Columbine High School recall about him and why didn't she go out with him again?

9. What did the author say were the two main traits of a psychopath?

10. At the end of chapter one, the author noted the massacre at Columbine would become known as "the worst school shooting in America." Why would that have appalled Dylan and Eric?

(see the answer keys)

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