The Colour of Magic Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Colour of Magic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the boat nears the Edge, what creature jumps onto Rincewind's oar?
(a) A fish.
(b) A dog.
(c) A salamander.
(d) A frog.

2. In the alternate universe, what is Twoflower's name?
(a) Dr. Zwieblumen.
(b) Jack Rjinswand.
(c) Dr. Rjinswand.
(d) Jack Zwieblumen.

3. What is the name of the vessel about to be launched at the end of the book?
(a) The Potent Voyager.
(b) Atlantis.
(c) The Seeker.
(d) The Phoenix.

4. How are Rincewind and Twoflower being picked up from the Edge?
(a) By the salvage fleet.
(b) By a space ship.
(c) By a flyer.
(d) By a slave ship.

5. When the Rincewind and Twoflower return to the Discworld universe, Luggage also splashes down with them. What does Luggage have?
(a) A TWA sticker.
(b) Additional gold.
(c) Maps of the United States.
(d) A plane ticket.

6. Who is Liessa's proxy for the succession battles?
(a) Twoflower.
(b) Rincewind.
(c) Hrun.
(d) Bravd.

7. When Twoflower and Rincewind are led from the vessel, they are taken into an ornate palace. Who do the two men meet at the palace?
(a) Garhartra.
(b) Krulliver.
(c) Luggage.
(d) Destiny.

8. As Rincewind hangs from the cavern's ceiling during the mortal combat fight, Rincewind has a vision. Who is in his vision?
(a) Twoflower.
(b) Fate.
(c) Death.
(d) Io.

9. Who is the favorite goddess of gamblers?
(a) The Lady.
(b) Chance.
(c) Fate.
(d) Destiny.

10. How does Rincewind learn that the area he is entering on the back of a dragon is full of magic?
(a) The dragon rider tells Rincewind of the area's magic.
(b) The dragon rider shows Rincewind the octarine amulet.
(c) Rincewind sees the dragon's shields.
(d) Rincewind sees the octarine glow in the air.

11. As Chapter Four opens, how much time has passed since Twoflower and Rincewind have been in Ankh-Morpork?
(a) Six months.
(b) Six weeks.
(c) Three weeks.
(d) Three months.

12. While Twoflower and Rincewind are being held captive in the palace they were taken to from the vessel, a hut is smashed to pieces by Luggage. Who owns that hut?
(a) Terton.
(b) Tethis.
(c) Krulliver.
(d) Garhartra.

13. When Liessa enters the dungeon cell, what does she do to a sleeping Hrun?
(a) Stabs at him with her dagger.
(b) Shakes him awake.
(c) Slices off his ear.
(d) Binds his wrists.

14. As Ninereeds flies higher and higher after rescuing Hrun, what happens to Twoflower?
(a) Twoflower is shot by Liessa.
(b) Twoflower is cut by Hrun.
(c) Twoflower passes out.
(d) Twoflower is scalded by the dragon's fire.

15. What is the name of the sea troll?
(a) Tethis.
(b) Krullian.
(c) Ghlen.
(d) Bathys.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Rincewind and Twoflower are trying to escape from the dragons, why does Rincewind yell at Twoflower to keep going?

2. As the three travelers are resting in the field, who is watching the three men through the scrying glass?

3. What is the name of Twoflower's dragon?

4. As Chapter Four opens, Rincewind and Twoflower are bailing out water from their boat. Where have the two men just escaped from?

5. What is Ajandurah's Wand of Utter Negativity?

(see the answer keys)

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