Collected Stories of William Faulkner Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Collected Stories of William Faulkner Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what crime is the nephew of the Indian chief in the story "Lo" accused?
(a) Theft.
(b) Murder.
(c) Blasphemy.
(d) Vandalism.

2. At the end of the story "Lo," what does the president order his men to do?
(a) Ignore the Indians.
(b) Fear the Indians.
(c) Befriend the Indians.
(d) Kill the Indians.

3. What part of the father's body in "The Tall Men" has been injured in the war?
(a) His leg.
(b) His arm.
(c) His stomach.
(d) His head.

4. What animal does Res Grier try to sell in order to settle his debts with his co-workers?
(a) A dog.
(b) A cow.
(c) A horse.
(d) A goat.

5. What is Sam Fathers' heritage in the story "A Justice"?
(a) Full-blooded Native American.
(b) Half black, half white
(c) Half Native American, half white
(d) Half Native American, half black.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "A Bear Hunt," which part of the town do all the children think is haunted?

2. Homer Barron is from what part of the United States?

3. According to Indian tradition, what must the chief's slave do after the chief dies?

4. Which of the following facts about Uncle Willy is NOT true?

5. Which of the following vehicles does Uncle Willy crash, killing himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Flem Snopes attempts to turn his two black co-workers against each other in the story "Centaur in Brass"?

2. Why does Res Grier offer a hound dog to two of his co-workers?

3. Why is Lucius Provine sent to see the Indian doctor while out on a bear hunt?

4. What happens when Minnie Cooper attempts to leave her home on the day after the attack in "Dry September"?

5. What of Hawkshaw's behavior do the townsfolk find unusual in the story "Hair"?

6. What rumor spreads through town about Minnie Cooper, and how do the townsfolk react in the story "Dry September"?

7. How is Sarty involved in his father's death?

8. How does Sam Fathers earn his birth name?

9. Why is Abner Snope ordered to pay de Spain bushels of corn, and what is Abner's reaction to this order?

10. Whom does the desirable woman in "A Courtship" decide to marry, and how does she make her decision?

(see the answer keys)

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