The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of her story, what does May do?
(a) Writes a letter.
(b) Cries.
(c) Dies.
(d) Laughs.

2. What is the name of Evan's ex-wife?
(a) Martha.
(b) Catalina.
(c) Susan.
(d) Virginia.

3. How many children do Mrs. Wainright-Lowe and her husband have?
(a) 3.
(b) 16.
(c) 11.
(d) 8.

4. What kind of business does Kitty's mother own?
(a) Boarding house.
(b) Doctor's office.
(c) Farm.
(d) Restaurant.

5. What object invokes anger in Rhoda?
(a) A computer.
(b) A notebook.
(c) A potted plant.
(d) A wreath.

6. What do Mr. Oliphant and the woman carry as they walk?
(a) Books.
(b) Towels.
(c) Shovels.
(d) Baskets.

7. How do the rest of the staff feel about Malcolm and Victoria after they follow them to the mill?
(a) Anger.
(b) Happiness.
(c) Sorrow.
(d) Pity.

8. What sentence is given to the perpetrator in Dr. Reinmuth's story?
(a) A thousand dollar fine.
(b) Death.
(c) Banishment.
(d) 5 years in prison.

9. Where is the woman from who walks with Mr. Oliphant?
(a) California.
(b) New York.
(c) North Dakota.
(d) New Jersey.

10. How many weeks does Mrs. Otis plan to stay in exile?
(a) 8.
(b) 7.
(c) 6.
(d) 5.

11. What is hidden in Ramona's room?
(a) Dead animals.
(b) Money.
(c) Food.
(d) Drugs.

12. What time does Mrs. Heath excuse herself from her visit with the other women?
(a) 6:30 p.m.
(b) 7:00 p.m.
(c) 10:00 a.m.
(d) 5:00 p.m.

13. In Dr. Reinmuth's story, what did the perpetrator do?
(a) Stole something.
(b) Scammed a rich man.
(c) Murdered somebody.
(d) Crashed into another person's car purposely.

14. Who is the healthiest character in Jessie's story?
(a) Jessie's mother.
(b) Jessie.
(c) Mrs. Butler's granddaughter.
(d) Mrs. Butler.

15. What kind of surgery does Pansy wake up before?
(a) Nose.
(b) Neck.
(c) Back.
(d) Knee.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Lily's father leave her when he died?

2. What is Rose instructed to deliver as part of her job?

3. What is Kitty's plan when she graduates?

4. What does Mr. Oliphant blame on the lack of arbutus?

5. Who died in the car accident Pansy was in?

(see the answer keys)

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